Maidens of Rome

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I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble

- Augustus

It's early morning and the streets of Rome are cloaked under a puffy blanket of clouds. The temperature is humid and hot, but the absence of sunshine seems to bring some relief to the citizens of the Mother City, as it continues to buzz with noises, smell and different faces.

Valaentia is dressed in a simple pale pink tunic that covers one shoulder and leaves the other one bare. The toga is wrapped around her tightly, but still there's something breezy about her appearance. Her cheeks are flushed pink although it wasn't because of the presence of the male servant accompanying her, so much as for the rush of activity surrounding her. "I can't see Rocante's store, mistress," Says the servant at one point, craning his head a little more from his already tall figure, "perhaps he has not set up his stall today?"

"Look again," The younger girl insists, "he /has/ to be there."

She watched as Acestes tried peeking over the sea of heads again. He was tall and had a strong-build, which was why she was allowed to visit the market in its busiest hour if there was someone strong enough to protect her from being robbed, kidnapped or rap.ed. Her parents were always over-dramatic, but Valaentia couldn't complain, mostly because people made way for her and Acestes whenever they saw his height and build. He had been in the family's service for many years - apparently having joined after being defeated and captured during a battle in Thrace. His skin was a dark tanned complexion, and his stub and long hair were of a very dark brown colour. He looked fearsome, but Valaentina had never bothered to ask him what he had been before being made a slave.

"There." He finally said, raising his hand to point. Valaentina followed his gesture and finally smiled. There was Rocante's stall indeed. She took a step forward, but paused suddenly and turned to stop the older male from following her. "Stay here, Acestes, and wait for me."

The Thracian looked uncertain and unhappy, but was in no position to complain. Knowing he wouldn't disobey, the pretty brunette took long strides away and towards the stall she had been looking for.

He was there. Of course he was.

Her father's friend and trusted business partner. Younger than her father by almost ten years, but still mature and wise without losing that edge of charm and friendliness that sparkled in his eye. Broad-shouldered, tanned and white smile. Thirty years of age. Handsome in a casually attractive way.

"You're early," He greeted her with a smile which was all sunshine and summer, even on a cloudy morning. Valaentina smiled back instinctively, feeling her heart flutter, and made a pointed attempt to keep her childhood crush out of her manners. She closed the distance, offered her hand, whilst he bowed his head and kissed it. In a respectful, decent and detached way. Of course. But when he looked up again, her hope soared once more as she saw the tiny flash of curiosity flicker in his unusual aqua eyes. "I'm glad you did."

"As am I," She smiled back, her eyes wide with barely-constrained excitement. "I must be careful when dealing with business arrangements." She added a second later, barely faltering. Her happiness didn't dim, although she didn't seem as excited this time.

She had hoped Marcellus' small business plan had been an excuse to see her, but apparently he was being serious as he pulled out a scroll from under his cloak, and gestured for her to step closer in between the stalls so they'd have more space to talk. Marcellus owned a growing market business, mostly concerning importations from the shores of the distant Africa and the minor Greek islands, and now he was illustrating to Valaentina a new strategy she would be able to help out with. It mostly consisted telling people about a jewelery line he was importing from Greek goldsmiths.

She nodded like she knew what she was doing, whilst feeling her competitive side slowly peek. She was growing to like challenges, and helping the man who had been her crush since she was twelve suddenly seemed good. "I'll do my best," She nodded confidently, already thinking of who she could talk to.

Marcellus nodded. "Thank you," He told her, "I know you'll be valuable for my business." He reached for something else in his toga, "here is a gift for you to show my appreciation." And he pulled out the prettiest necklace Valaentina was sure she had ever laid eyes upon. It was simple, made of bronze and golden wires, quite roughly made.. but was encrusted with gems of different tonalities of turquoise and amber, so she was sure it was quite expensive.

This gesture caught her off guard and she felt her cheeks immediately burn pink, which was rare for her. "You shouldn't have," She countered weakly, not putting up much of a defense. Her father's friend chuckled and steered her around by the elbow until her back was facing him and he could put the necklace around her neck. She swept her long wavy hair out of the way, and held her breath as he put the object in place and felt his fingers scrape gently against her skin as he closed the lock.

"There we go," He said a moment later, smiling. She turned back around for him to see the ending result, and both looked at the object with some satisfaction.

"It suits you very much," He told her with a friendly smile and intense blue eyes.

"You have chosen wisely," She complimented back easily, inwardly wondering whether her small act of flattery might get her more presents in the future.

"You suit jewelry, I'm sure." He bowed his head and with one last lingering look, examined the necklace against her skin and dress.

There was a satisfied pause of comfortable silence in which Valaentina felt giddy inside, but she didn't want to push her luck and give away her weakness for him, as she figured it would result in embarrassing silences around the dinner table at one of her family's events, so with a smile she said in a playful tone, "I'll best be going then. I have work to do" and with that, gave him a significant look and tilted her head in an equally playful respectful nod.

Marcellus laughed and before she could push her luck too much, she was retreating away from him with a wide smile on her face, a pinkness to her cheeks and a light of joy in her brown eyes. She didn't know whether he was looking at her walk away, but she put a swing to her hips anyway, until she was across the crowded road and back over to her servant Acestes.

She immediately felt Acestes' disapproval of the necklace and her glowing exterior, but he knew better than to ask questions. With a wide smile to him and a mischievous wink, Valaentina gestured for him to follow.


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