Party | Bucky Barnes (1)

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The muffled sound of music and chatter grew louder as the elavator ascended. Approaching the 7th floor, it started to slow down. As the doors opened a lone female became visible. She was adjusting her dress a bit, clearly unaware of her surroundings.

A member of the staff startled her, as he offered to take her jacket. She'd thanked him politely while taking off her coat, revealing a perfectly fitting black dress.

Her eyes wandered around the large room. There must be someone here she'd recognize, right? (Y/N) had been an employee of S.H.I.E.L.D for some months now. Tonight, she was invited to one of Tony Stark's parties. He was launching some new products.
This was the perfect night for her to do some networking. She'd brought a small tablet on which she could show her portfolio, together with some proffesional looking business cards. Working at S.H.I.E.L.D was an incredible honour, but at the end it was just an administrative job. (Y/N) wanted to be an artist, a graphic designer.

The upper wall consisted entirely of glass. A stunning view on the city. As she made her way to get a drink she felt a warm hand touching her waist.  Twirling around in surprise, she pushed the hand away from her. She flinched a little as she took a step back. It was only then she recognized the guy.

"Bucky! I'm so glad you're here."

The guy looked a bit concerned and disappointed at the same time. "Are you alright?  I'm sorry for..."

"I'm alright. Don't be, don't be sorry." She cut him off with the hint of a smile. "I didn't expect you to be here."

"Steve dragged me with him." He lied.

Rogers had only told him that (Y/N) was going to attend the party. Being the one reason Barnes was here, since he didn't like parties that much. Especially crowded ones, were almost every person present knew about the winter soldier.
Bucky wondered if (Y/N) knew, since she'd never brought it up. Never acted weird. She treated him like an ordinary person.

Bucky met her at the facility. She was doing overtime when he had dropped of some papers. The soldier couldn't stop thinking about her since. They'd been talking occasionally. He truly admired the girl. Any potential date he met these days either feared him or tried to use him. Maybe he'd lost his spark, maybe there was this damaged part inside of him that was holding him back. But not with (Y/N). Things seemed to come natural with her, almost as if she took him back to the 40s. However nothing had happened, yet. Bucky was planning on opening up tonight, telling the girl just how much he loved her.

The two were now seated at a corner of the bar. (Y/N) took a sip of the drink Bucky had ordered her, and told him about her ambition to become an artist, the reason why she was here tonight.

"...It's not much. Just some drawings I made, They're not even-  Like, I don't think they're good enough to..." She stuttered, as she gave Barnes the tablet on which she'd opened her portfolio.

"(Y/N), are you insane? They're beautiful." Bucky said with sincere enthusiasm, while he was swiping through some drawings. "You never told me about these."

"You never asked." She teased, to which he let out a small chuckle. The girl was observing his expressions deeply, trying to find a spark of dishonesty. (Y/N) typically didn't show her art to others. She was far too afraid that people would think of it as foolish. After all, she was working with people that were saving the world. Instead of making stupid art in their tiny apartment.

"I guess that's true." Bucky was looking right into her eyes now, the corners of his mouth sliding upward. "Those are really good, (Y/N). You've got some real talent. I'm sure people  will be interested." He handed her back the tablet.

Before she could stuff it back in her bag, a man walked up from the side, and threw his arm around her with such force she dropped the device.
"Dane-" She shouted, to which the man grabbed her even tighter. (Y/N) immediately shut her mouth. Even before Bucky could react the guy had dragged (Y/N) with him, leaving Barnes alone at the bar.

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