One Shot

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A xiuchen oneshot! I actually wanted it to be Kaisoo but I chose Xiuchen bcoz of Chen, since his power is like thunder/electricity ya know..? Yeah HAHAHA anyway Hope you guys liked it hehehe




Xiumin ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He was in cold sweat, eyes focused on the narrow walkway. He was breathing heavily, still clutching strongly onto Chen's lifeless body, bridal style. He tried to make his footsteps as light as possible, hoping to minimise any sign of noise not wanting to attract anymore attention to him as he increased his speed, relieved that the sirens of the police cars were drifting further and further away from them. His arms and legs were aching as hell but he will never stop until he reached the hideout area.

He will never stop until Chen is safe.

The sun was setting faster, granting the moon and the stars their playtime soon.  As he ran through the dim lit alley way, he slowed down his pace as he neared the old dark green door. He slung Chen over his shoulders, fumbling with the lock with his hands while looking left and right occasionally, paranoia slowly engulfing him. After a few frustrated attempts, the lock finally  gave a satisfying click and Xiumin kicked open the door and immediately placed Chen gently on the operation table. Just as he had planned for months and months before this, he carefully plugged in the different coloured wires into Chen's body. He also placed in a heart rate monitor, so that he'll know whether his plan worked. Or all that was for nothing.

Right now, the monitor was showing no signs of heart beat, but Xiumin was determined to change that.

Once everything was set up, he quickly worked his fingers on the keyboard of the computer, sweat dripping down his temples.

After a few minutes, something 'ding' and a shining ruby-like cone object popped out from a small metal oven. Xiumin smiled, picking it up carefully with the a pair of tweezers and examined it. It was beautiful, like a red ruby. He spent sleepless nights, even skipping classes, just to design this makeshift gem. Just to make this as close to as what a robotic heart would do. Slowly and carefully, he lowered the object into the hollow hole that was made in Chen's heart. There was a click, making Xiumin satisfied with the sound. He ran back to his computer and typed in more codes and numbers, sipping his cold and stale coffee in between. After another few minutes of configuration, it was now ready to be fired up.

Before he pressed enter, Xiumin turned around. He paced slowly to Chen, admiring his face. He looked so peaceful. Xiumin stared at him for a good full minutes, admiring his closed eyes, his lips, his skin. Subconciously, Xiumin reached out to gently touch  Chen's arm. Chen felt so cold to the bone... just like on the day Chen left him. He left Xiumin alone in this world without a single word. And it was all his fault. If he could have stopped the bullet from penetrating into Chen's chest, none of this would have happened. If he just could have been a little bit more selfish, the bullet would have been in him instead of Chen. At least, Chen would still be alive and breathing, because he deserves it more than Xiumin ever did. A silvery pearl made its way down Xiumin's cheek.

Xiumin hesitated for a little bit, before giving Chen a peck on the lips. He turned to walk back to his computer.

Looking back at Chen once more, he smiled weakly. "I love you, Chen. I promise you, I'll bring you back to life," with his heart full of hope,  he pressed the enter key.

He only has one shot and this is it.  

The lights flickered as all the power and energy from his generator travelled towards Chen's body and to that little cone shaped object. He could see the electricity moving in Chen's body, like little red wires being injected into Chen. Xiumin could only hope for the best as he watched the electricity make it's way towards the heart, firing it up making it shine bright as a red ball of fire. The monitor beside Chen made a beep sound and Xiumin turned his head to look at it. His eyes widened.

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