Anime Love

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Narrator's POV

Y/N sifted through the shelf of her boyfriend's manga, trying to find a new series to start. She had just finished watching Tokyo Ghoul with her boyfriend yesterday night, after reading the manga. She pushed away her long purple bangs away from her face, and continued to look through the enormous collection. Bleach? No, she had finished that three weeks ago. Death Note? Her favourite series which she had read and seen nearly thirty eight times this year. Soul Eater? Seen. Attack On Titan? Definitely seen. She snarled angrily, but continued to look. ' I hope Mr. Weaboo can come up with a series I haven't seen. Heh. ' she thought to herself. But then a certain volume of a manga she had never heard of caught her attention. She used one finger to pull it out of the crammed shelf, and stared at it's cover. Vampire Knight, read the title in bold font. " This looks promising, especially since there's a hot white haired boy on the cover. Ha ha! " she laughed, and dashed to the expensive sofa. She flopped out on the cushions, her skirt hiking up her thigh an inch. Without looking up from the cover, she reached to the coffee table. As she flipped open the book to the first page, she set a plate of Greek salad on her stomach. She laid on the couch for awhile, before she heard familiar footsteps. " I'm home, baby! " her boyfriend's voice called out as she munched on a piece of feta cheese. Sitting up and setting the plate on the table, she resumed to reading her book. Mephisto Pheles stepped into his spacious living room, getting a good glimpse of his precious girlfriend. He hung his coat and hat on their proper racks, before striding up to where Y/N lay. He raised an eyebrow as she turned the page to a full page panel of Zero. " I see you found Vampire Knight, huh? " she bookmarked her page, and set it in her lap before sitting up. " Yeah! And why didn't you tell me you had a manga with a hot white haired vampire? I TOTALLY  would have been on cloud nine. Ha ha ha! " she smiled, making Mephisto laugh. His arm wrapped around her slim waist, and guided her body to his. Sitting on his thigh, Y/N kissed the handsome demon's cheek. A small blush spread across Mephisto's face, and he craned out his neck for another kiss. " I gave you one already, Baka! " she punched his arm playfully, laughing as she kissed his other cheek. " But I missed you! It gets so boring just filing paperwork all day. There's no drama or action! " they both laughed, before Y/N lay her head against Mephisto's chest where his heart resided. " How's Rin doing? " she asked him, listening to his heartbeat. " Hmm? Oh, he's doing fine. Getting into trouble as usual, heh. " she giggled, before raising her head. " Mephisto? " he hummed, analyzing her Black Butler t-shirt closely with his forest green eyes. " Yes, my love? " Y/N nuzzled back into her boyfriend's chest. " Do you really think Amaimon would have killed me? Y'know, after I told him to back off and leave you alone during that argument?" Mephisto's face fell, and he closed his eyes. Sighing in annoyance while stroking his goatee, he pondered at this question for awhile. " No. I don't know if you could tell, but Amaimon was, and very most likely is still madly in love with you. He was angry over the fact that we were dating, and he crossed the line with it. I know that he'd be so ashamed of himself for his actions, and definitely would apologize to you. But he's not in the right state to do that at this time in our lives. " he said in a monotone voice, lightly tracing circles on Y/N's hips with his gloved fingers. " Thanks. I love you Mephisto. " she replied. She gasped as he pulled her into a tight hug. " I love you too Y/N, no matter what you say or do. Now, " he snapped his fingers, and counted to three in German. A pack of candies summoned in his hand, and he tore the package open. " Tell me what you thought of Tokyo Ghoul. " he said somewhat demandingly as he popped a piece of neon pink candy into his mouth. Y/N could see his sharp teeth, and it made her tremble slightly. " I loved it, Kaneki was really cute too. " she told him, and he nodded. " You were cuddling up to me during some scenes with intense violence, I noticed that. If content like that scares you or makes you uncomfortable, you need to tell me right away. I won't force my girlfriend to watch anime that causes her to have nightmares or disturbs her. I won't judge you at all, or protest. Am I clear enough? " two of his fingers gripped her chin painfully, and forced her to look at him. " Yep! " she choked out in a pathetic whimper. Mephisto released her chin from his iron grip, and a worried expression spread over his face. A deep purple bruise was now on her chin, and it made him exhale shakily. " Oh, baby! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!! I let myself get out of line! " she cried out as he pushed her to the couch, and flipped her over so she was on top of him. Hugging her, she patted his head affectionately. " It's okay Mephisto, there's such thing as concealer after all. " she grinned, and pecked the tip of his nose gently. They lay in silence for a minute, before Mephisto broke it. " I want to make out. You promised me two days ago, and I'm getting impatient. " he licked his lips, and his eyes grew half lidded with contention. Y/N sat for a few seconds, she was taken aback. But it passed over her, as she nodded. " Heck yeah, sorry I didn't do it sooner. " she rolled them over so that she was underneath him on the cushions. Her legs wrapped around Mephisto's waist, and his hands caressed her cheeks. " I'm the dominant one in this session, understand? " he said, his voice coated with flirtation and lust. She nodded, and Mephisto's lips came crashing down on her's. She kissed him back passionately, moaning out as he bit down on her bottom lip hardly. He took the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth, and begin his sinful dance. Their salivas mixed together in a combination of candy and sake, along with hints of salad and tuna. It might taste disgusting to others, but to Y/N and Mephisto, it was heavenly. His hands traveled down to her hips, and gripped them. Still kissing, his hands journeyed down to her butt, and squeezed it. " Yeep! Mephisto! You pervert! " she managed to speak from in between breaths. He chuckled, before pulling away from Y/N. " Sorry baby, but I am a man after all. And a demon to add onto that, heh. " she laughed, as Mephisto sat up and lay back on the couch. He picked up the remote, and turned on the TV " You can apologize to me by letting me pick the anime! " she said, snatching the remote from his hand. " Uggh, fine. But make it an anime we've already watched at the least, okay? " she snickered, and scrolled through their anime streaming network. She scrolled down the list of anime they had already watched until her face lit up. As she clicked on the anime of her choice, Mephisto perked up from reading the back cover of the Vampire Knight volume she was reading. " Which one did you pick? Is it one of my favourites? " Mephisto bombarded her with questions, making her sigh angrily. " Just shut up already so I can listen to the intro! Geez. " Mephisto smiled widely as the opening for Yuri On Ice!!! began. He watched Y/N sing to the lyrics which she knew by heart. He smirked and settled back on the couch again. I'm so lucky to have Y/N as my girlfriend. I'll propose to her right now, and if she says yes... We'll get married, and name our kids after our favourite anime characters! Ha ha! He thought to himself. As the opening ended, he quietly took the remote, and clicked the pause button. " HEY!!! Why'd you do that?! " she yelled, crossing her arms. " That's my fav--! " Mephisto silenced her by placing his index finger on her lips. " I only wanted to tell you that you have the most beautiful voice in this world. No one can be compared to you, and that opening is one out of many that you do what seems like flawlessly to me. Never stop using your unbelievablely gifted voice, and I will shut down anyone who tells you otherwise. I love you so much, and I'm so grateful you're mine. " her eyes widened as Mephisto reached into his jester style pants pocket. He pulled out a tiny box with gold calligraphic text that read ' Stanford Jewellers '. He leapt off the couch, and took Y/N's hand. Leading her out to the balcony, she walked in absolute confusion, her face said it all. Kneeling in front of her, he flipped open the lid to the box. " M-Mephisto... " she said barely audible, as she stared at the diamond ring in the box.  " Y/N L/N... Will you marry me? " he asked, his voice was shaky. Oh gosh, did I do it wrong? Or did I rush this too quickly? He thought, his eyes locking onto Y/N's. Her eyes filled with tears, and she immediately held out her fair hand. " Y-yes!! I will!! " Mephisto sighed in relief, and took her ring finger in his palm gently. Slipping the ring on her finger effortlessly, he stood up. Leaning down to meet her level of vision, he kissed her again. Y/N wrapped her arms around the tall demon's neck, and kissed him back without question. If I hadn't had met Y/N at the convention, I wouldn't be in this position I'm in now. There really is such thing as miracles. I'm going to get married to the love of my life, and hopefully soon, begin a family with her. He smiled, as he pulled away from Y/N.  " Hey Mephisto! " he turned to her, a look of question on his face. " Yes? " he replied. " Can we name our son Kuroo? PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE~~~? <3 " Mephisto laughed loudly, and smiled so as to show off his set of razor like teeth. " Of course we can, you can be THAT mom!! " she laughed back, and dashed past Mephisto to watch her show again. He followed behind her, closing the glass door behind him. Look at where anime can take people, huh?

Thanks so much for reading my fanfiction! I REALLY  worked hard on this one, as of staying up late in the night to do this. I know Mephisto might be OOC, but yeah, I tried. Lol. My next ones are gonna be the following:
Tetsuroo Kuroo X Reader
Grell Sutcliff X Reader

Thanks so so much for reading, and have a lovely day!!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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