They decided to skip The Castle because of the huge amount of disturbing images held there and head to the Saffron kingdom along with Scarlet,despite her fuss about her 'work' which ended up too be cutting and trimming roses in her garden.They headed to the capital of Saffron,which was famous for all the parades and fun fairs,they ended up going to a fun fair,persuaded by Scarlet's puppy eyes.The bright colors and loud noises really made Operator lose her mind as she hid behind Trooper,which amused him quite a little before going back to his mutual mood.Unfortunately,Scarlet grabbed her and led her towards a large crowd with was overwhelming with DSRC players everywhere.
"This is quite,a fascinating,loud and obnoxious trip,Scarlet."Operator hissed at her while the young Red King walked ahead of them wth Operator's hand in tow,much to the Purple King's distaste,and led her to a brighter area,which she squinted her eye stop even get a good view,"This is not hilarious,Greenskeeper,release me now.Jester,help me!"
It turned out to be a Ferris wheel,which Scarlet had boarded by herself with made Jester's heart flutter from the way everyone laughed;except for Operator.Despite her futile attempts,he managed to wrap his long arms around her in a protective way and led her to an area with just fake grass and trees."Why the long face for,Operator?"He asked sitting down with Operator near him.DSRC players would usually come here to relax or have a chat to release stress or anxiety,which is why it's called,'Peace Of Nature'.
"Wow~This place really is a delight!"Scarlet said as she got off the ride,not noticing that Jester and Operator was gone."What shall we go next?Oo~Maybe Jester's Carnival?I heard that there's a lot of shows there!"Scarlet suggested,leading the other Kings to follow her from the crowded area to a beautifully made park,where they found Jester sitting on the grass while Operator was leaning her back on a tree.Despite Scarlet's fruitless attempts,she couldn't get a picture of them.As the Kings chatted in the silent garden,Operator was busy tinkering with scraps of metal to make into machines or rather discs.Scarlet was running around,busy picking flowers into a bouquet.Despite the Red King's innocent behavior she doesn't behave like that towards her challengers or enemies on the battlefield.Every King has a split personality;Operator acts coldly and cruel towards enemies,Jester acts very sadistic towards the death of his enemies,Trooper was very silent in the battlefield,Bowman would be very violent,Contriver...was a rare case...he would act very kind from the start but slowly became more manipulative during a duel.Scarlet was psychopathic towards the challengers.
Jester and the other Kings sat in the royal box,waiting for the daily shows that happen in the fairly large tent.Dozens of players watched as performers got out from a curtain and greeted the Kings for their special visit and the audience too.Operator couldn't help but be amazed by the illusions and tricks that played on her eyes as the avatars used their special tricks to create the most exciting part,Jester clapped and jumped around which Trooper disapproved of.They had to log out due to their lunch break cut short and head back to class after the performances which was only a few seconds in real life.
'Laughter is the best medicine...but why can't I be cured?This voyage is a dull ache of memories,he doesn't remember us,'
AdventureThe year 2090,.... Technology progressed more further till we could send messages without even using a phone.Just a small device,attached to your hand,it was like a portable phone,small and almost weightless.The fact that Virtual Reality became more...