First day last yearr

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I unpublished this book for awhile but it's back up again lmao it's cringee

Y/n!!! Wake up! You're  going to be late!" I heard my mom yelling from downstairs. I rolled over to look for my phone to check what time it was. It 8:24! I'm going to be late I jumped out of my bed trying to find a decent looking outfit to wear for the first day of my grade 12 year. "Mom did you make breakfast?" I yelled down to her pulling on my jeans.

"Yess honey now come eat you only have 5 minutes! Your going to be late on your first day back"

I ran downstairs and the smell of bacon and eggs made my whole morning. "Mmmm mom thanks for making me breakfast!" I said while making a breakfast sandwich and hugged my mom,  before leaving. "Have a good day sweetie" she said calmly and grabbed my keys and threw them at me noticing I forgot them


I got to school a few minutes late but my friend ally messaged me saying people were still trying to figure out where their classes are.  I walked into the building feeling happy because this would be my last year here. It was weird seeing all the new jr highs in here some happy, some scared and even some mad. Me, I was one of those jr highs being mad on my first day. I hated school I didn't even want to get out of beds most days. I was going through a rough time then, I'm happy now. Life's been treating me good. It's my last year, I got own vehicle & some pretty cool friends and This year I am going to have more than enough credits to graduate. Me and my mom are closer than ever, I've never been happier. This was going to be MY year.

On my way to my first class I seen this lost girl trying to find her class room. "Her beautiful you look lost?" I said with a big smile, she was very beautiful. "Oh um yeah I um I am looking mr haggraty's? Room" she said finally looking up to me.

"Oh well you can come with me beautiful I'm heading to the same class room" I nodded my head forward for her to follow me, I knew mr haggrity only taught grade 12 social and only grade 12 social. "So you must be new here cause I've never seen you around beautiful" I started a conversation with her as we walked to class. "Uh yeah new here and new to town. My dad got a big business opportunity here so we moved out here!" She smiled big "that's pretty cool beautiful what business?" Feeling more curious as she talked. "If you wanna know more than ask me later right now I'm just trying to get to class" she said not trying to sound mean. "alright beautiful, that just means I can talk to you again" I said and started walking down the hall a little more faster cause class was suppose to start 5 minutes ago.


In class me and the girl I just met sat beside eachother and of course we were the last ones to class. "Hello y/n who's yours new friend?" The teacher asked. "Oh ummm, ask her" I replied back to the teacher forgetting that I didn't get the girls name yet. Everybody looked at her waiting for her to say something "oh my name is Camila Cabello and I'm new here and to town" she said looking around the class room. "well it's nice to meet you camila"


After class I was the first one to walk out and I waited for Camila the girl that I now know the name too, outside the room while all the other kids started piling out. "So Camilaaa, whats your next class?" I asked the the younger Cuban girl as she exited out the class room. "Well y/nnn my next class iss..... uh music withmr hinton" she said as she scanned through her schedule.

"Okayy well I have work experience right now so I can walk you to foods if you would like?" I asked softly with a smile wanting to be with the girl longer. "Yeah I would love that! Thank you and also I don't even know where the music room is .." she said & then looked at me and we Started to laugh I don't know why but we did. The sound of her laugh was very calming, I liked it. "So am I now just camila and not beautiful?" She smirked at me remembering when I first I talked to her I called her beautiful. "I can call you beautiful if you want, but your name is better I like the way it rolls off of my tongue" I told her "haha it's okay y/n I was kidding, thanks for calling me beautiful tho" she smiled at me.

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