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I always wanted to meet them, my idols. Marcus and Martinus are the only one keeping me alive and everybody knows that.

Mum: Sweetie, we need to go!

Me: Yes mum!

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Alicia Rivertoon and I'm 15. I've got a twin brother, Adrien and younger brother, Leo. He's 10 and he's the sweetes thing on the world. I love my family sooo much.

Mum: Come on now. We really need to go.

Me: Yes mum. I'm coming!

I got in the car and we started driving. I'll describe myself a little bit more. I've got long, curly, blonde hair and blue eyes. My eyelashed are naturally long and dark so I don't need any mascara. Good thing for me. I don't use lipstick, because my lips are red any way.

Some people says I'm perfect, but I'm not. Inside, I'm dying. Nobody knows how much time it's left for me to live, but I need to stay positive, because if I do, than I'll live longer.

Mum: We're here. I'm sure your condition is better. No metter what doctor says, I'm sure you'll survive, because you're strong.

I squeezed her hand as we started to walk to the room. I entered the room and doctor came to me with good and bad news.

Doc: Which one do you want to hear first?

Me: The bad one.

Doc: Okay. You need to know that there isn't much time left for you and your condition is getting worse.

Me: O-o-kay...

I was crying silently, so nobody could see or hear me.

Doc: And now the good one. We found out that there is something in you that is keeping you alive. It's something that is important to you and you don't want to leave this alone. Please come back in few days.

Me: Okay.

We drove back home and I told my mum that I want to go on a concert in three days, with my best friend, Lia. She's got two tickets for Marcus and Martinus concert. They're the ones keeping me alive.

Me: Can I go mum, please? They're my idols. I need to meet them.

Mum: I said no and no is NO.

Me: Why are you doing this to me?! Keeping things that I like and persons that I like won't keep me alive any longer. I'll die at the same time anyway, but before I die, I want to enjoy my life what is left of it.

Mum: That's enough! You're not going anywhere!

We were now home and I ran through doors right into my room. I locked it and cried into my pillow. After one minute it was all wet.

*knock knock knock*

Me: Coming!

It was Lia, I was sure, because we knocked on door three times to signalled it's us. I walked to doors and opened it. As soon as I saw her I pulled her inside and locked the door again.

Me: Why are you here?


Me: My condition is getting worse and doc said, that one thing is keeping me alive and I know it's my love to Marcus and Martinus. You know I want to meet them?

Lia: Yes and this is why we're going, right?

Me: Mum doesn't let me go. I'm so broken and I don't know why I'm alive if I can't go anywhere.

Lia: Don't talk like that. You're the strongest and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You can't just give up. You laways found a solution to your problems and you'll find it now too.

Me: Thanks, but my solution was always Marcus and Martinus. I was counting days till their concert and now is all gone. My hope is gone, my chance is gone and with that, my life is gone.

I was crying even harder now, but then Alya came here. She's my friend and she's like my sister.

Alya: Hey girl! What's wrong? You don't seem very well. I'll call your mom.

Me: NO, NOT MY MUM!!! I want to be alone. I'll write her a piece of paper and you'll give it to her, okay?

Alya: Okay.

Me: And you'll go home.

Lia: Okay.

I wrote "We need to get to doc tomorrow". I handed it to Alya and then they leaved. I was still crying a little, but soon fall asleep.


Hey everyone! Soo this is my new book if I'm correct my second book if we don't count the sequel to 'You'll never change'. I won't update it very often, because I've got very much to do in school, but I'll try. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it.
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