Part Fourteen

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Now, Rolanz, Central Command

Kayly heard the after noise of a gun shoot, but she couldn’t locate the source. She decided to go downstairs, just in case the prisoner she just heard about got out. As she was running down the stairs, she started to get woozy from the smell of blood. She thought she must be going the right way. She got to the end of the staircase and heard agonizing screams ahead.

“Hello, is anyone there?” Kayly said with curiosity in her voice.

“That’s a stupid question!” Joylon screamed just as Kayly reached the crime scene.

Blood was everywhere she thought. There it was blood, blood, and more blood. She ran over to the edge of the wall and vomited profusely.

“Ew,” Joylon groaned, “Now get over here and help me!” He couldn’t help but think that he’d hate to be the guy on the ground.

She started over, and then stopped. There was a body in front of the Prince. Who was it? Moving that thought to the back of her mind she trotted near Joylon to aid him. He was shot in the upper thigh, gushing blood.

Kayly didn’t know what to do. She usually fainted from the sight of blood. Today wasn’t the day to be a chicken though. She ripped part of the shirt off from under her heavy blue uniform, and tightly wrapped it above the entry wound. She heard him scream in agony from the contact. “If you want to keep your leg, you’ll be silent.”

Joylon stopped. He didn’t retort, just sat there while Kayly mended his thigh.

As she was cleaning the wound she looked back at the body, studying its features. She looked more at the face, and realized who it was. She got up and marched over to the body and pulled her gun out and started shooting where his heart once beat.

She’d gotten out four shots before arms wrapped around her body, forcing her to lower the gun. Kayly’s body trembled against Joylon’s viciously. “Come on girlie no need for that!”

She swallowed not really understanding what he’d just say. She didn’t know if she wanted to cry or scream. Either way she was happy that he was gone, he couldn’t hurt anyone else. Then she was being pulled out the muggy, blood soaked chamber. The rambling of soldiers in ran through her head as Kayly assisted Joylon in an escape for help.

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