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She stood beneath the gaslamp at the corner of the street. The street was quiet, she was the only sign of life. The woman was in stark contrast to the dark gaslit street on which she stood. A figure of beauty with gleaming blonde hair and a figure that would fill almost any man with a sinful lust. Her provocative body was accompanied by a black dress that left her shoulders and neck on display. Her pale skin practically glowed in the dim light, further distinguishing her against her dress and surroundings.

She stood there for a very long time, since before the streets had become vacant, waiting. All the while, unknown to her, she had been watched for every second. A wild looking man in a cloak and vest had watched her from the alley down the road for what felt to him like an eternity. He looked at her as a hungry man would look at a full meal. He ran a hand through his wild mane of raven hair and straightened his attire before finally approaching.

“Excuse me?” he almost whispered, his voice rough but warm. Having not noticed him the women jolted a bit, but turned to him with a smile. “I hadn't meant to startle you, I apologize” he murmured.

“Quite alright, that is” she replied, her smile turning into a smirk. “Need somethin’, do ya?” He chuckled and flashed a crooked grin.

“I'd say I need you” he whispered again.

“That can be arranged” she whispered back. “C’mon, I got a place jus’ for this.” She took his hand and led him up the street. A few blocks later and the two had arrived at an out of the way house.

She brought him in, taking a lantern from a table just inside the door to light their way. She lead him down a hallway from the front door to a spacious den area with a bed. It was carpeted with flower patterned wallpaper. Other than the bed and a clock on the wall the room was completely empty. She turned to him and before she could even say anything he had her against the wall. One hand fell to her waist while the other rested against her cheek. She giggled softly, looking up at him impishly. “Naughty naughty” she teased. He kissed her roughly with an almost feral hunger. She moaned softly into the kiss, returning just as rough. He inhaled sharply against her lips with a beastly noise.

There was a sudden jerky motion and pain shot through his stomach. He gasped and glanced down to find her hand lodged in his abdomen. He gaped stupidly, completely in shock. His eyes shot back up to her face, which was now twisted in chilling delight. Another jerking motion and she ripped her hand straight out of him. Dripping crimson with blood, she ran her tongue over the back of her hand. He staggered back away from her. He faintly registered the sound of the front door opening.

“That's probably my sisters coming home with the other half of our meal” she cackled. There was a faint click that the man didn't quite recognize. Suddenly another man dove into the room from the hallway.

“Not quite” he yelled, firing a shot from his pistol at the women. She moved with blinding speed and retreated against the far wall. The man in the cloak fell back, pressing a hand to his wound. He looked over to the gunman, who stood with weapon aimed at the blonde she-devil. He was a rather tall individual, dressed in an overcoat. All that could be made out in the dark was a strongly outlined face framed by messy brown hair.

“Hunter!” she snarled. “How did you find us!?”

“I beat the information out of your sister” he replied casually, as if taunting her. “Right before I killed her.” She shrieked like a banshee and rushed him, attempting to spear him with her already bloodsoaked hand. He sidestepped it and in one motion drew a blade from his waist and cleaved her forearm clean off. She screamed in agony and fell to her knees. Once she had stopped she gaped at her flesh, which seemed to be sizzling. “Silver blade” muttered the hunter. “Perfect weapon to kill a bloodsucker like you.” She let out a whimper of anguish. “May you find peace in hell” he whispered, and beheaded her without hesitation. Her body ignited and within mere seconds had burnt to ash. Her killer sighed and turned his gaze to the wounded man. He took the lantern, which had previously been discarded on the floor, and brought it to see the wound. “Move your hand” he ordered in a firm but gentle voice. The raven haired man obliged, doing as he was told despite being on the verge of losing consciousness. The hunter swore under his breath, a pained look in his icy blue eyes. “What is your name? Your full name?” he asked softly.

“T-Thomas Grayson” the cloaked man replied.

“Thomas” he whispered, a tone in his voice akin to sorrow. “I'm so sorry, but there's nothing I can do. Even if I were a doctor with the proper tools there's no way to treat a wound like this.” Thomas had felt fear up until this point, but that had been drained away somehow. The look of empathy and lost on this rugged looking man’s face somehow put him at peace. Thomas offered him a smile.

“Thank you” he whispered, fading fast. “For being here until the end.” With those final words he closed his eyes and the life left his body. Thomas Grayson was gone, leaving only the hunter.

“Ut hinc rursus occurri, requiescant in pace” he muttered. He stood, sheathed his sword, holstered his pistol beneath his long coat, and left. He went back down the hall and out the door. He took shuddered and took a shaky breath. A single tear rolled down his cheek as he looked up to the sky. Then he set off down the street and into the night.

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