Howl in the Wind

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Sonic characters belongs to (c) SEGA.

I don't own the image.


(Amy's POV)

While thinking of Sonic's condition and how he got this really worries me a lot. Back in Spagonia I mistook a werehog for Sonic and I didn't know it was really Sonic. I can't believe I hurt him badly when he thought I didn't recognize him. And after he saved me from possessed people forcing me to dance around, Sonic ran off before I had the chance to look at him. But Professor Pickle explained everything to me about Sonic's condition.

Now I'm in Shamar and thinking about Sonic and how he's doing with putting the planet pieces back together. Now he's got one last planet piece that needs to be restored back. And that's Eggmanland. But I know it's gonna get destroyed because no one wants that location to be belonged to Eggman. Whatever happens, I hope our planet gets restored because my Sonic never gives up on saving the world. That's what I like about Sonic, he never gives up.

Right now it's almost night time and I'm sitting on the steps near Professor Pickle's lab outside. Sonic will transform into a werehog in a few minutes and I'm here to comfort him from his condition giving him painful transformation. He was about to make an excuse to get away from me but I sternly ordered him to trust me. I hate to get bossy but I just wish he can trust me just this once.

"Come on, Ames. You know I get a little aggressive as a monster. I wouldn't forgive myself if I hurt you" Sonic groaned in frustration.

"Sonic the Hedgehog I don't care what you look like. Hedgehog or werehog, you're still my Sonic to me. And I know you will never attack me because you have a good heart in you. In Spagonia you saved me from those dark creatures possessing the people" I put my gloved hand on his muzzle.

"But I was still afraid that you would think of me as a scary monster. I would be sad and hurt that you wouldn't like me in this form at night" Sonic's ears went down in sadness.

"Please don't be mad at me. I didn't know it was you. My Sonic radar instincts did tell me that it was you but I wasn't sure of myself. But when I looked at his green eyes I believed it was really you. No offense but your voice was a little gruff" I said shyly as I rubbed my arm.

"I'm not mad at you Amy. It's the transformation that causes it. But Chip and I will put an end of the curse. I didn't mean to not tell you who I was. I was scared to lose my number one fangirl. I could never replace you for someone else to be my number one fan" Sonic said.

"I understand Sonic. If I didn't exist you would be in so much depression. That's why I never give up on you. You inspired me to be a hero like you. You have the speed like the wind and I have the hammer like love to conquer hatred and darkness" I said and pet his quills.

"But still I'm so sorry" Sonic said with shame.

"It's okay, Sonikku. You know I always forgive you. I may get mad at you when you don't show up for a date on time but I can never stay mad at you" I said while petting his quills.

"And I can never stay mad at you for chasing me every time. Argh! Damn it! I'm transforming!" Sonic clutched his fists tight.

I backed off as I watched his painful transformation, he grew bigger and furrier. His gloves were ripped from the size of his hands growing big with claws and his teeth became fangs like a wolf. His shoes became metallic with spikes. He howls out loud in agony from the transformation.

(Sonic's POV)

Damn it! It really hurts every time the transformation begins when the sun goes down! The pain felt like I was being electrocuted but I'm strong to get through it. This is not like any of those werewolf movies. I got on all fours, breathing really hard from the painful transformation.

"'re okay, Sonikku. You're okay" Amy pets my fluffy fur to comfort me. I don't know how she does that but I feel like myself when she's by my side. Sure she gets crazy about me but she always shows loyalty and love for me.

"For the moment Amy I'm again a werehog beast. This is all Eggman's fault what he has done to me" I groaned and sat up.

"I know you're upset, Sonic. Even I'm mad at Eggman for what he did to you. Everyone makes mistakes, Sonic. We all do but that doesn't mean we are failures. And the Sonic I know never fails or quits being a hero" Amy said to me. She's right that I never quit being a hero, "I know it's stressing you for 2 weeks of having this condition but you are always Sonic the Hedgehog on the inside. Don't feel like you're a failure, Sonic. Because that would make me feel sad"

"Thank you Amy. That makes me feel better" I said, carefully taking her hand. She placed her other hand on my cheek.

"You're the most selfless and brave hedgehog I've known Sonic" Amy said and takes my big paw hands.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"I wanna have this dance like Beauty and the Beast movie" She said sweetly.

"Oh, no. Not like this, Ames. My hands are too big. Oh, no. Not that cute face" I can see her doing the cute puppy eyes again that always makes me go in defeat, "Don't even try to look cute and innocent to change my mind, Ames" I smirked but she still keeps doing it. Damn it! I can't resist the cute innocent face, "Damn it. You sure know how to change my mind, huh?" I sigh in defeat but chuckled at her.

"I knew you would surrender" Amy giggled.

I playfully rolled my eyes, "Next time it's gonna be hard for you to get me to surrender" I chuckled and took her small hands and started to waltz with her. She would directly look into my eyes smiling as I danced with her.

"Looks like you know how to waltz with a woman" Amy smirked.

"Maybe. But in this form I'm not a gentleman, I'm wild like an animal" I teased her as we slowly waltz.

"Maybe I can tame you" She teased me.

"I like being free, Miss Rose" I smirked and twirled her. Man, this is like the first time we share a dance. Then she got in front of me and takes my other hand.

"You know my love for you never dies" Amy said with a grin.

"Stubborn girl" I teased.

"You know it's true" She playfully pouts.

"I know because I know you're rose that will never wilt for her blue wind" I smirked and dipped her, "Because her love and beauty is always strong for her blue wind" I winked.

Amy smiled again as I pulled her back up, "What about you as a werehog?" She asked.

"The pink rose will hear his howl in the wind at night time. And by daytime she will always hear his name calling out in the wind" I held her hands while looking at her.

"Sounds like we are Beauty and the Beast" Amy teased me.

"Maybe" I said as my nose touched hers. Just then, I can hear Tails and Chip calling out my name that it's time to go and save the world, "Thanks for cheering me up, Ames. I gotta go now. Once I save the world I promise to take you on a date like you keep asking me a lot when we came to Shamar" I said.

"Go get 'em, tiger" She gave me a kiss on the cheek and winked.

"Rawr" I playfully growled and stretched my arm, swinging from building to building to get to Tails' plane. I let out my last howl to Amy from the distance, "AAAARROOOOOOO!!!!"

The End

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