Cryptic Photo's - Na Jaemin

3.3K 14 6

Summary: You moved into a quiet neighborhood and you met a boy that literally took your breath away.

Pairing: Na Jaemin / Reader

Genre: fluff

Words: 3.3k


It's quiet. Strangely quiet, almost like living in a ghost town. The town was enclosed, you noticed. Beautiful trees that separated neighbors, keeping them apart. Tall hedges and gardens that made the houses more mysterious. Almost like there was no kids to be known. You passed each and every house admiring the artistic scenery. Strange how no one was even outside, like secrets to be kept inside those four walls for no one to hear.

"It's creepy here." You mumbled as your mother and step father pulled into your new home.

"It's fine, it's just.....quiet." Your mother reassured. "It's a cute neighborhood."

"It's too quiet." You said softly.

"We used to live in the city, it will just be hard to get used to. More peaceful nights, you'll love it in no time." Your step father said.

"I guess." You softly smiled. Your attitude was always genuine. You never minded change.

"It's nice right?" Your mother said as you entered your house. It was a little dusty but nice. Spacious. The look of all the furniture covered in white sheets gave you chills. Why wouldn't the last owners take their stuff?

"It was cheap." Your step father said from the look on your face.

"Why all this furniture?" You asked.

"They didn't want to move it, they wanted out of the house as soon as possible."

"Why?" You gotten an eerie feeling.

"No worries dear." Your mother said. "The realtor just told us the house was too big for them and they moved down the street. They wanted all new furniture as well. It's not haunted if that's what you're thinking."

"Okay." You nodded but you still had an eerie feeling.

You walked upstairs to find a bedroom. It was a four bedroom house so you had access to any of your choice. You decided to save the biggest room for your parents but easily went for the second biggest. You had a lot of family so your mother kept the third bedroom as a guest room, especially if your older sister wanted to visit. She was married and lived on her own of course. But your step father kept the last room for his office. He was a writer so he would be working from home most of the time.

You noticed once you stepped into your new room it looked to be some boys room in the past. The walls were a lighter blue and you noticed the bed it's self had a darker shade of comforter. The room itself was empty beside the bed, dresser, and computer desk. You smiled noticing the random anime stickers that decorate the wooden surface. You opened the closet noticing a few sports equipment or random toys that were long forgotten.

"Hey you picked your room." Your mother popped in. "Awe look at this."

You walked over being curious what she was looking at. You noticed on the wall a time line of height that occurred over the years. You saw that the first measurement was small and labeled 5 years old and stopped at 176,5 cm 17 years old.

"This family really grew up in this house, it's sad they moved so suddenly." Your mother pursed her lips and walked out.


After a few hours of unloading the moving truck, you took out your camera wanting to explore.

"By the way honey, if you wanted to paint your room, we can shop this weekend." Your mother said. "We want to fix it up a bit."

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