Redneck Revenge

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You rolled to the other side of the bed, pulling the blanket over your head trying to force the morning to hold off just a little longer. When you had finally started to fall back asleep after finding that sweet spot in the bed, you heard it, the bellow of your father shouting,

"Aye love get your ass moving or I'll come up there and wake ya myself"! You groaned loudly in response, quickly sitting up in bed, knowing that your father would make good on his threat to come wake you which usually involved him flipping your damn mattress. You'd been staying with your dad at his home in Charming for the past two and a half months. You had recently graduated from college and while you weren't sure exactly where you wanted to be or who you wanted to be, you know you needed to spend some time with your dad before you embarked on your next adventure. When you first arrived, the house was sparsely decorated, but over time, your father had been pulling pictures and mementos from your times together out of storage and putting them up around the house. While you grew up in Chicago with your mother, stepfather, and half-siblings, you spent every summer in Charming with your father and he made sure to pack in as much excitement into those summers as possible. It was no surprise to anybody that Chibs Telford was a total softie when it came to his daughter, which is probably why he was currently walking around the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon while singing along to a Led Zeppelin song blaring on the radio. You chuckled as you walked into the kitchen and went over to the brand new Keurig machine to make yourself a cup of coffee.

Your father called out to you "Aye lass, you've decided to grace me with your presence"? You rolled your eyes as you plopped down in a kitchen chair, wishing you could hook up your coffee to an IV drip. Your father walked over to you, kissing you on the forehead while dropping a plate overflowing with scrambled eggs, bacon, and two slices of toast slathered in butter.

You looked up at your father with dismay, "What are you trying to do to me dad? Raise my cholesterol overnight"?

Your father laughed and patted you on the head, "Well I'm not about to let my little girl go hungry so just hush and eat your darned breakfast".

You raised your hands in mock defeat and teased, "I don't think there's a chance of me going hungry, or being hungry again until tomorrow with all that you've put on this plate dad"! Your dad joined you at the table with a cup of black coffee.

He took a sip and then looked up at you stating, "Well sweetheart, it might be a late night for me anyway so you'll be on your own for dinner. Do ya think you'll be able to entertain yerself"?

You laughed again and responded, "Dad I'm 22 years old. I'm not a child anymore. I think I can keep myself entertained".

Your dad shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he looked up at you before replying, "I know you're grown now lass but you'll always be my little girl and I'll always worry about ya love".

You smiled, reaching across the table and grabbing your father's hand, "I know you love me daddy and I love you too. I promise I'll be safe and won't get into too much trouble", you assured him. Your father laughed, shaking his head as he finished his cup of coffee and got up from the table to prepare for his day. While finishing your gargantuan breakfast, you began making a mental list of all you wanted to get done today. On the top of that list was seeing your man. It was hard to sneak around without your dad catching on so it'd been a few days since your last date. You missed him in more ways than one, and you almost let the sink overflow reminiscing about your last night together. You laughed to yourself and tried to shake your mind free from the thoughts of the two of you together. You dried your hands and headed off to the bathroom to get ready. Gemma would be pissed if you were late.

You pulled your car into the parking lot of Teller-Morrow garage and parked it next to the line of bikes. You scanned the bikes but didn't see your father's there. You briefly remembered him saying something about business with Jax that morning. You scooped up your bags from the cafe and walked into Gemma's office. As you entered you saw her trying to sort through invoices while holding Jax and Tara's son Thomas. Young Abel was coloring on the floor in his own little world. Gemma had offered to take care of the boys since it was summer break and because Tara's schedule at work had been picking up. She loved getting extra time with the boys however that left little time for her to be able to manage the garage and it was all piling up onto poor Chucky. That's why you were here. Depending on the day, sometimes she'd have you help in the garage and other days she'd have you watch over the kids. You insisted that you didn't need to be paid and enjoyed helping out but she would always slip money in your purse anyway and you soon learned it was best not to argue with her. You used some of that money each morning to pick up coffee and bagels for you two and donuts for the little boys. The boys began looking forward to their morning treat which is why they both began to cheer in excitement as you walked into the office that morning. You handed the boys their treats, handed Gemma her breakfast and then grabbed the papers from her desk, telling her to relax with the boys while you got everything set up for the day in the garage. As you were placing work orders on clipboards, you suddenly felt a strong calloused hand wrap around your waist and a bearded chin nuzzle against your cheek before soft kisses were then placed down your neck. You smiled, turning around in the arms of your visitor and wrapping your arms around his neck. You Looked up at your man and kissed him on the lips before suddenly remembering where you were and slapping him on the chest and scooting out of his arms scolding

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