Chapter 1

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"Rhyme, I'm sorry." he says and the words repeat in my head, again and again. The tears rolling down my cheeks and the pain in my heart increasing by the second. The longer I stood there, looking at him, the more my heart ached. I had to stay though, I needed to feel like there was still a chance to fix this. Like it wasn't all for nothing. The longer I stayed though, the clearer it became that there is no way we could fix this. What we had was broken.

"There's nothing to apologize for anymore. You made a mistake, we all make them but this mistake hurts me too much. I love you Lukas but I can't be with you anymore." His eyes darkened as I said that last sentence. It hurt him, it hurt me too.

"So you're breaking up with me?" He asks and I hear hope in his voice. Hope that I will say no.

"Y...yes." My voice cracks and a tear falls down his cheek. I go to wipe the tear off his face but I stop myself before reaching his face. I step back, distancing myself from him so I wouldn't do anything stupid. The tension between us had risen and the people walking down the park had started to notice.

"I'm sorry, Rhyme." As those words leave his mouth again, I turn away from him and start to walk towards my mum's car.


(A couple of months earlier)

"Ladies and gentelmen, we have arrived in London. Please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop." After a long 11 hour flight, I have finally arrived home. The plane comes to a stop and I stand up to grab my bags. After I grab my bags, I head to the parking lot only to find that my mum hadn't arrived yet, she must have fallen asleep and forgot to put an alarm on. I call her and it goes straight to voicemail, I call my dad and but he doesn't pick up either. Great now I've got to grab a cab, I don't even think I've got enough money.

"RHYME! I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I turn around to try and look for the source of those screams and am suddenly engulfed in a hug. I stumble back with the impact and we end up on the floor. "I can't believe you're really here." I laugh and let go, it was my little sister.

"I was gone for 2 months not 2 years Gabs." She begins to glare at me but the glare is immediately replaced by a smile and she hugs me again. "What is it? Why are you smiling like that?" She lets go of me and her smile has now turned into a smirk. I look around trying to figure out what it could be that she's smirking at but I find nothing. She grabs my hand and begins to run, dragging me along with her. "Gabi what is it?"

"Nothing I'm just happy you're back. I missed my favourite sister." I shake my head, this girl cannot lie for her life.

"Unless Josh turned into a girl in less than 2 months then I'm pretty sure I'm your only sister." She rolls her eyes and I laugh. We reach the car and I find my mum and Josh, they both come running my way once they realise I'm here. I hug both of them and Josh puts my bags in the trunk.

"How was your flight love?" My mum asks.

"It was alright, just extremely long." I say and she laughs.

"Did you enjoy you're holidays?" Josh asks and I nod. I did enjoy them, I went to LA and met some friends I hadn't seen in years, we all went to the beach and parties almost everyday. I'm kind of sad it's over but I'm also happy to be back home with my family.

"Mum why was Gabi smiling so much? Like she was hiding something." My mum shrugs her shoulder but she begins to smile the same way Gabi was. Okay something is definitely going on here. I look at Josh in confusion and he joins the rest of my family at the smiling game. "Oh god you guys are actually scary. You could join a scary movie with the way you're all smiling at me. Lets just go home, I'm tired."

The drive was really short but my family and I managed to tell each other everything that had happened in these past 2 months. I've missed quite a bit of stuff from my family, my sister joined a ballet school and got asked to be the solo dancer at a competition next week, my brother and his football team won the last 2 matches, and my parents managed to buy a house for us in California so I could go visit my friends every break.

"Mum, I can't even... Thank you so much omg" My mum smiles and begins to talk only to be interrupted by Gabi.

"Rhyme, Rhyme, Rhyme! We've got a better surprise for you. Let's go inside!" I look at my mum, confusion written all over my face and my mum tells me to follow my sister but doesn't explain what the hell is going on. "You're going looooooove this." She says dragging me out of the car and inside the house.

"Gabs, what is it?" She doesn't answer, instead she walks faster leading me to my room. What could possibly be in my room? We reach my room and Gabi slowly opens the door, peaking her head in before gesturing me to follow her. I walk in and my jaw drops. This must be a dream, there was no way this was actually happening. I look at Gabi and she nods at me as if she was reading my thoughts. He's actually here, he's standing right in front of me.

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