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i feel my blanket wrapped around my body,i open my eyes to see some slight movment accross from my bed.

i realise its just my sister in her own bed,i pull the covers off from over my body and shiver from the cold morning air.

i pull on my leather jacket and walk to the door.

"emma...?" i turn around to see lyra looking at me from her bed with sleepy eyes.

"emma...where are you going...?" i try to act calm "im just going to the market"

"no your not...your going to the forest..." i smile "you know me too well"

"i want to come...*yawn*" i walk over to her bed "no,you get your sleep.ill be back soon" i walk to the door as soon as she drifts back to sleep.

i walk down the dust road to see a boy with dusty blonde hair and stone eyes in a jacket covered in marks.

"hey jack" i say as i walk towards him,he looks up and nods "what's wrong?"

he pulls something out of his jacket and throws it to me,i catch it to see its the paper.

i look at the headlines : WAR BEGINS

"a war?" i say,he nods "my uncle just told me that they'll be rounding up men soon for the army"

"does that mean...father" i imagine him walking away never to return...

hey guys this story is deticated to my friend emma rose who has always protected the things she loves.

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