I'm dreaming about you and me.
I told myself I wouldn't do this; not again.
I screamed because I dreamed, about you and me. I told myself I wouldn't do this; not again. You don't love me, not like I love you.
I cried because I dreamed, and I screamed because I dreamed, about you and me. I told myself I wouldn't do this; not again. You don't love me, not like I love you. So, I'll keep dreaming.
I flied above the clouds because it made me forget about you. I flied because I dreamed, screamed, and cried, about you and me. I told myself I wouldn't do this; not again. You don't love me, not like I love you. So, I'll keep dreaming.
Dreaming, that you'll love me, like I love you.
I cut because I kept dreaming, screaming, crying, and flying, because I kept dreaming about you and me. I told myself I wouldn't do this; not again. You don't love me, not like I love you. So, I'll keep dreaming. Dreaming, that you'll love me, like I love you. Dreaming, screaming, crying, flying, and cutting till you love me, like I love you.
PoetryThis poem is dedicated to someone I've fallen for, but do not have a chance with. It's also dedicated to the many feelings that have came from me falling for this person. - Edit: Originally when I posted this I didn't consider the fact that it could...