Manor Of The Dark Demented: The Arrival

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Oh how stereotypical. Of course my car had to break down right in the middle of nowhere. It couldn't have broken down before i went exploring, no of course not. But now after i’m i’m near absolutely no civilization… this is great. And now i'm forced to walk, in the dark, forward in search of people. Although after 3 hours of walking its starting to look hopeless.


Finally i see a sign. I pull out my phone as its my only light source. i hold it up to the sign and read. “Welcome To The The Dark Demented” it read. At first i was confused. Why would a “Welcome” sign be out in the middle of nowhere. I looked behind me and saw what the sign was referring to. How could I have missed it? Directly behind me was a large building that towered so high that it looked as if it disappeared in the sky.


There was a short walkway up to the door. When I got to the door I attempted using the knocker. No one came. I took a step back and observed the door. It almost looked as if it had a face. I tried pushing on the door. It slipped open fairly easy. As it opened the face seemed to slowly frown. I passed this off as my imagination and continued through.


The door shut behind me resulting in a completely black room. i couldn't see my hand an inch in front of my eyes. Then all of a sudden there was a blinding white light! I tried to close my eyes but it was so bright it went right through my eyelids. A loud screeching like voice started chanting. “THEA DOESN'T LIKE VISITORS”, it repeated over and again.


Then it all stopped. The light went away and the voice, though still ringing in my ears, was gone. I slowly opened my eyes. i was in a room that was lowly lit but didn't seem to be lit by anything. It was as if  the room itself was glowing. I realized I had made a mistake and i turned to go back out the door, but the door was no longer there. The only door in the empty room was on the opposite wall of me.


I walked over to the door and, seeing no other option, started walking. My legs were shaking as I stepped into the hallway outside the door. the hallway was lit the same way as the room, with nothingness. As i was walking something appeared in front of me. Where his legs should have been was a deep mist. The top half of his body consisted of a shirtless man. He had long black. When i looked i could see that it didn’t have a face.


The person spoke to me in a low voice. “THEA DOESN’T LIKE VISITORS.” It then came after me with inhuman speed. Right before it reached me I blacked out.

I awoke in a room exactly like the other one. At this point i was terrified. What is this place? I saw the doorway that no doubt led to another hallway. I got up and with the last bit of sense i had, started walking. This time another creature appeared in front of me. This creature looked like a little boy. He had pointed ears that fell on the side of his head like a dogs. His face was that of a pig.


Even though I knew what was going to happen I was still terrified. “THEA DOESN’T LIKE VISITORS”, the high squeaky voice shouted at me. It ran at me and, again, right before it reached me I blacked out.


Again i awoke in a room. Same as the others. This time as i looked around the room I saw a lady sitting in the corner. She was wearing what looked like a wedding dress. She had black hair that covered her face. In place where her right hand should have been was a large claw. The fingers on her left hand went down to her knees.


Her voice came as a whisper that seemed to go directly into my ears. “You shouldn’t have come here”, she said. I was stunned! She didn’t seem to act like the others. Once i finally found my voice I asked “How do I leave here?”


After a short pause it sounded like she snickered. “Once normal humans walk in here they don’t leave, and they don’t stay normal.”


I was confused. What could that mean? Then suddenly i felt a grip on my arms. i looked down and i was strapped to a table. The “girl” approached. Panicking I practically screamed “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?”

This time i could hear the laugh loud and clear. In the same Whispery voice she used before she said “Don’t worry, Thea will make you just like the rest of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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