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Edit of 11/30/20: *at the bottom*

This is something I did on an app called Lego life. I called it a quote Challenge. 

You post (you can make your own book of quotes, or comment your quote on this book.) one quote a day for a week or 30 days or longer, for now I'll start it out for a week and if you guys like it we can lengthen it.  It can be a quote from a show, online, or from a person in history. 



2) Everyday it has to be a different quote. You can't post the same quote twice.

3) If you miss a day, it's ok.

5) you didn't realize I skipped 4. 

6) If it's from a fandom, you have to say who said it and what fandom it's from.

I hope you understand this, but if you don't, just pm me and I'll explain it. :)

The challenge will start on 3-25-18. (The next chapter will be the start.) 

If you want to participate in this challenge just make a book titled 'Quote challenge' and you post your quotes in that book. 

OR, you can just post your quote under my chapter for everyday. 

Welp....I think that's everything....

AGAIN, if you dont Understand just pm me, I'd be happy to explain. :D

Have a nice day/night!

Edit: Um. So this challenge is obviously long over lol (posting this on 11/30/20) but I feel bad if I would take this part down because it explains it, and I don't think I can really edit this to explain it right and make sense for why I actually made this book in the first place. Anyway. Peace out. 

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