Untitled Part 1

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This story is about a Monster, not your stereotypical monster but a monster never the less and if you are of the faint of heart I would turn around and close this book now. Read a much friendlier book as this story tells the tale of such gruesome events but if you wish to stay and read then let's start with just who this monster is.
This monster's name was none other than Ivan Zackery Hart. This man...This monster, was 31 years old.
Ivan Hart to the first glance was a seemingly normal man, polite and rather generous to others (when it would benefit himself). There were some oddities about this well-mannered man, he was a clean freak and almost always seen wearing gloves covering his well taken care of hands and long pianist's fingers that held well taken care of finger nails. Ivan had the characteristics of an aristocrat, along with having decent physical looks with his medium length brown hair and deep seemingly endless blue eyes, he was what most would call handsome. Handsome though he may be, you wouldn't want to get caught up with this man, even if you wanted to you couldn't as he would rather slit his own throat then be in a relationship with ''pigs'' as he liked to call people. He was very good at pretending though, very goodindeed. He could almost trick just about anyone into falling for his well-made web of lies and beauty, and people fell for it so wonderfully he could almost laugh about how easy it was to fall under the radar of anyone seeing him as someone to have worries about. But where getting quiet ahead of ourselves now, let's get back into the present, and just where was the present? Well that happened to be 11:30 in the rainy andgloomy afternoon of January the 14th
All you could hear was the fast pace of footsteps walking down the cobble road, those steps belonged to a man wearing pointlessly expensive Stefano Bemer shoes. Said man was holding a darkly coloured umbrella above his perfectly styled hair, the man's name was Ivan and he was heading back to his slick black Mercedes after a rather important business meeting he had to go to. Ivan cocked his head down slightly as he walked past a disgusting man huddled under a store awning, clearly homeless, which made Ivan scoff as he barely spared the man a glance as he walked past. Ivan did make a mental note on where he had seen the homeless man and what he could see he looked like from the small glance he had gave to him, such a ''pig'' honestly Ivan thought to himself, such a disgusting unneeded pig taking up space he didn't deserve. Letting out a suffering sigh Ivan continued walking shaking his head slightly as he did so, Ivan saw himself as above people. Ivan saw himself as a god, honestly, he thought he was better than all those peasants as he preferred to call other people. Finally Ivan got himself back to his car, fishing the keys out of his pocket of his well-tailored yet stylish and modern suit jacket. Once he had his keys hooked around his finger he tugged them out of pocket, pressing the unlocking button on the remote he opened up the car door and gracefullyslid into the driver's side seat. Ivan started up his car and got comfortable, placing his hands on the steering wheel heading home. Ivan's home was a rather marvellous home, a place anyone would drool over. His residenceis situated on approximately 2 ½ acres with direct access to, and views of, theConnecticut River. Located at the end of a private drive it's a very secluded home with large windows and trees covering the well taken care of landscape, honestly, the seclusion of the home is perfect for Ivan being far enough away that his...private activates went unnoticed. Ivan did allow others into his home, when he happened to throw dinner parties and serve the guests his...Special sort of food, though he also allowed one person full access to his home, this person was namedVictoria Sabrina Hailk and she was a maid for the grand house Ivan lived in. This maid happened to know some very special little facts about Ivan that no and I mean...No one else knew, she happened to know about his private activates that he enjoyed participating in.

Finally steering his car up into the parking area located in the front of his home, Ivan pressed his thumb down onto a tiny remote he kept in his car placed neatly in the cup holder that never got used for anything other than holding his garage door opener. Once the garage door slid open, Ivan pulled into the rather miraculously well taken care of garage that held nothing inside it other than a simple black mat placed neatly in front of the entrance door, to the main living area of the home. The well-dressed man takes a deep relaxing breath breathing in the still new car smell that surrounded his car before turning the vehicle off and grabbing the handle pushing open the door, placing one long leg out of the driver side door before sliding the rest of himself out gracefully, standing straight and shutting the car door behind himself. Making sure he had everything that he needed before making his way up to the entry door into his home, having the keys already in his right hand he glanced down at them making sure he had the right key that was meant for the doors of his house, Ivan had a few keys on his keyring some of which opened doors in the house that only he went in, not even Victoria his maid was allowed into some of the rooms his keys would open.
Ivan, allowed his mind to wonder as he opened up the door and allowed himself into his home locking it behind himself. Ivan was thinking about what he was ...well who he was going to consume for dinner, he was in the mood for some Relevés. ("Silkie chicken in a broth" Wolfberries, ginseng, ginger, red dates, and star anise. Chicken Soup )
Shaking himself out of his inner thoughts feeling himself getting hungry from simply thinking about it, the male sighed happily making his way to his office, needing to file away some papers he had collected today from his business meeting. All you could hear echoing in the house was Ivan's foots steps pattering on the wooden flooring of his home, finally stopping as he got to his office opening up the unlocked door, allowing himself into the room. Once inside, Ivan sat down his paper work onto the large oak desk in the modestly large office room, shrugging of his jacket and placing it neatly onto the back of the winged back leather chair that sat behind the desk. Ivan slowly allowed himself to sit down onto the chair and lean back, allowing his eyes to slip close for momentarily relaxing as he let his mind process the things that happened throughout the day letting the things get sorted into his mind fortress, what is a mind fortress you might ask? It's a place where Ivan has made up in his mind and is able to sort the things he had done or thoughts he had throughout his entire life. A loudsigh was released from parted lips as dark eyes slid open, a slight grin showing onto the males lips as he brought himself back into the real word and out of his mind.
Sitting up from his slight slouching position he had been in, straightening his back, Ivan cracked his knuckles letting out a pleased humming sound. Glancing down at the paper work he had placed onto his desk when first entering the room, Ivan reached out picking it up, making the papers line up neatly with each other be for starting to reread the paper work. Shaking his head slightly at some of the minor spelling mistakes that his business partner had allowed to slip through his spell check, honestly Ivan hatedspelling mistakes or incorrect grammar.
Placing the paper work back down onto the desk, as it was making him feel quiet ill from simply seeing the grammatical errors, the neat freak of a man pushes his chair back making room for himself to stand, wishing to leave his office as he was starting to get a bit peckish. A sickening thought floated through the males brain making him grin a twisted grin, ah... now the fun was about to being,
Pushing himself up off the chair, Ivan made his way to the door way of the office first grabbing his coat off the back of the chair and slipping it back onto his body, deciding he was going to go out to find someone...I mean something to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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