the attic

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Cyborg jolted awake. she flexed her crammped hands and looked around taking her surroundings she was in the attic the cool summer night air nipped her skin as she could finally feel. suddenly all her memories rushed back to her . Cy rembrred blindly stubling out of the attic and re attacching her head after removing the bonsai and putting it in a pot , slealing murdocs book, and sneeking into noodles room to see her identical twin whilst having the strange realization that they looked very different indeed . snapping out of her memories a wave of excitement wased over her It worked! She had become human she stared down in shock at mudocs stolen satist book and the strange spell to bring things to life that it contained. The smell of ash filled her lungs as she picked up the extinguished the candles she had snagged from the kitchen for the spell and carefully put them in a neat stack in the corner of the attic in the spirit house this would have to be her home.  "I wonder if Ill get lonely" she thought sence Murdoc had used the book cy had stolen to get rid of the spirits. But now that she was awake she had a strange feeling hmm "this must be what tired is..." She walked over to a side of the attic and moved a gitar and one of 2ds broken vintage keyboards out of the way and lied down to sleep.

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