Chapter 1

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Who we are and what we've got.

Being the youngest of six girls isnt fun. Especially if they are witches.

My name is Ischyros Lamia. I'm the youngest at 17 years old. My oldest sister (29 years old) is Gaea, her name means earth. Next is the twins, Potizo and Fotia at 26. Their names mean water and fire. Then theres Aero at 23, air, and Zoi at at 20, spirit. All of us were born three years apart, not counting the twins who were born three minutes apart. We were named after our affinity, what element we control. Our mother, Racheal never told us what our name meant until after we had shown signs of a certain affinity. Her affinity is fire. And our father, who left when Zoi just turned three was a warlock who controled water. My mother and father had oppisite affinities that worked together well so we never understood why David (I dont call David my dad because he left) left my mother.

Its been fifteen years since we heard or last seen David. He up and left with nothing but a note. he took everything he owned and left one thing for all of us. Including me. My mom hadn't told him that she was pregnate with me, yet he knew about me.

He left my mother a picture of them on their first date to a witch/warlock bar. David cast a spell so the picture would play the scene from their first date. Our mother never let us see it no matter how hard we begged. My sister's nor I have seen it to this day.

David left Gaea a heart shaped leaf that Gaea found for him one day as a child. he made it so the leaf never aged.

Potizo was left a cantine of water from a river that flowed for six miles and was said to heal the worst of inguries and disease when mixed with a rare unknown flower. Potizo always believed that he had told the truth about the water and has kept the water safe and hidden. Fotia was given a phonix. A rare bird that would burst into flames when it was ready to die and would be reborn throught its own ashes. She had wanted one since she was four and he left it to her when she was nine.

Aero was given a bottle that held an ocean breeze. It was from a beach that the whole family went to during the summer. Mom and David would make any excuse for the family to go and they would spend many fun-filled weeks there.

Zoi was left with a box full of pictures of people who died that she could talk to. David was always with her when Zoi talked to the dead. Zoi was three months when she had learned to start talking, and it was on Zoi's 1st birthday when she talked to her first ghost. mom always told Zoi that David was so proud of her when she was able to talk to the ghost because she had managed to help them move on to their next stage in life.

I was left a book. A childrens book to be specific. It had eight very different stories of witches and warlocks fighting great battles and of funny goblins who are able to find objects that people wish for. There were vampires who made friends with daemons and my favorite story of a witch who fell in forbidden love with a warlock as she was discovering her power. The witch was destined to save the world from corruption with the help of her five closest best friends and her love by her side. I read my self that story everynight until I had every word memorized. Then I would have my mother read it to me. on the last page of the book David wrote one four worded sentence. "The prophecy is true." I would ask my mother about it and she would always say ignore his nonsense. So I did. So much so that during one of my many anger raves, I threw the book into a box of miscellaneous objects and left it there.

And now to the note David left was as written:

"To the women of my life,

I have to leave. I've left one item for all of you in hopes that you will use it well and only when needed. I've left my darling Rachael the picture of us on our first date. When you see it, say 'For my eyes only is this to see.' For Gaea is a leaf. Mix it with water when you need to heal a broken heart. For Potizo, water from a river running six miles long. Mix it with the lost ingrediant that was found. Fotia, here is the bird that will take you places. Aero, the breeze will push you toward the truth, the scent will let you siff out the wrong doing being done. Zoi. I am so poud of you and your gift. Keep talking the them, they speak the words known by everyone. Lastly, Ischyros, I leave you a childrens book. Look on the last page.

It was my only choice.

-Love you always, Dad"

I never knew him and I never want to. He left and was never there for me. But yet he named me. In his letter he named me and my mother went with it. My name and the book is all I've got from him.

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