Until The Ocean Believes In Her

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I kicked my 'Hello Summer' flip flops to the side, and let my toes play with the rubber on the flip flop. I was sitting with my best friends, Rachel, Harley, Kenzie, and Julie. We were waiting for my sister at the hair salon, on the waiting couch. I was wondering when we would be out of there, out of the place where my sister is nonstop always getting her hair either dyed, trimmed, or cut for hours. It got annoying after a while, you know? I mean, really, come on, hour after hour, waiting and waiting almost every single week? I looked over to my sister's hairdresser, Camie, who was pretty cool, I guess. I mean she'd always stop to say hi to me, and whenever they were around, my friends as well. She had candy she gave me, just for me, because for some reason, she loved me for some reason I don't really know. "Camie?" I said, grabbing her attention almost immediately. "Hm?", she replied. I tried thinking of a nice way to put it, since my sister was sitting right there,"Don't you get tired of doing my sister's hair almost every day? I mean, doesn't it get boring sometimes?", I blurted out in regret. Kenzie told me to shush, while my other friends just laughed and giggled and carried on. But I was serious. Really. She does go there so much to where I thought to maybe ask Camie what she thought about the daily hair appointments. "Oh, no. I don't think that at all..", she said very hesitant, like she was holding back or lying. I put My arm on the back of my chair and turned all the way around as I heard a screech-scream sounding gasp from my sister. "Do you know why I come here so much,  Railee?!" she said raising her voice, not giving me one second to answer,"I come here because I'm the one who wants good-looking, healthy hair!" I just chuckle back to what she just said,"Dyeing your hair over and over doesn't give you healthy hair..", I say raising an eyebrow and smirking. "Oh well! Oh, and remind me, Railee the 'Miss Know-It-All-of-Everything', how my actions, have to be controlled by you?!", she says as I stay silent, not wanting an argument. My sister's name is Beronica, and sometimes--no, scratch that, all the time, she is a pain. She's a teenager who wants everything to themself, and who loves fighting with her younger sister--AKA, me.. She's a freak, she loves partying, and anything to do with dancing like a maniac. And no, before you say she's one of those fun, outgoing people, she drinks too much at parties and she's only 17. Yeah, that pretty much explains most of it already. But what I am like, basically... I love surfing. It's my whole world, my whole life. Since we live in the nice, outdoorsy type of state, California, I get to surf. All my friends love to surf, and especially my best friends. Rachel, Harley, Kenzie, and Julie always surf with me. We go out to the middle of the ocean, and just talk. When we surf, it's like magic. Something special. Something special that can't be described or understood... Ever. My girls by my side with me, while I'm doing what I live for, is.. amazing. We just have the greatest time in the whole world. "Let's Go", Beronica blurts as she breaks the odd silence. She gets up, throws me the keys to her car to go unlock it. "You girls can get in the car. I'll be there in a minute." She motions us to the door, while she walks up to the counter to pay. We rush out, relieved we were finally out of that place. The smell of hairspray, shampoo and hairdryers got old, and I was glad to smell the fresh sun and breeze as we walked outside. Rachel yawned and moaned,"Let's not ever come back here again if we all sleepover again. It's sickening staying in there for literally 4 hours. I wanna surf." I sigh and say,"Oh trust me guys, I couldn't agree more.."

As the sun opens up onto our tired faces, my eyes flutter open to see Julie, who was already awoken by something. I rubbed my eyes and sit up, throwing the sheets off of my body. "What are you doing up? It's only 8 AM", I say in shock, since she's really all the time up at around 12. "I don't know. I guess something woke me up and I can't sleep", she reaches over to her phone, which had apparently already been lit up with a notification. "What are you doing with your phone?" I ask. "Nothing. It's nothing", Julie looked up to me and gave me a cheesy smile. "Hey, can I use your phone for a sec? I need to.." I pause quickly, trying to keep it going with the lie, just to see what she was hiding. "Um, call my.. grandma..." I reach over, automatically knowing she'll give me her phone, because she always does what I ask her for. But no. This time, no. She shook her head and gave me a look, like I was a weird stranger or something,"You have your own phone.. Don't you?", she says shaking a bit. "No. I.. um I lost it.. I lost it when I was... you know.. remember when we went to that football game a few weeks ago at school? There. I lost it there.. So. If you could please just give me your phone so I can call my grandma to see how she's doing?" I ask, losing my patience with her. Julie scoots the other direction, on her phone. It looked like she was texting someone. I got up, slowly, walking in her direction, making it look like I was going to the kitchen. I got close enough to her, and quickly snatched her phone from her fingers. "HEY!", she screamed, which woke Harley, Kenzie, and Rachel. I looked at her phone, reading that she was texting a girl, which read: 'So you hate Railee? Really?? I thought she was your number one best friend!' As I read through, My face turned into a wet mess. Julie snatched it back and screamed in My face,"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!!?!?!?!!!". My eyes turned to the ground,"I don't know. Who do you think I am..?" my head snapped up,"Your little puppet? You're third-wheel? Your little fake friend for attention?" "What's going on?! Guys, stop!", Harley said, butting in. "Stay out of this", Julie said. I looked over to all the girls. What if she means this to all of us? What if she doesn't really love us, like a real best friend should do.. Maybe she's been playing us. No, not maybe.. She has been playing us! I don't know why or for what, but all of a sudden, all my tears came flooding out. "WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?!..." I coughed, choking on puke I thought would come out, but didn't,"I saw who you were texting... You hate me. You hate me! Well.. You know what...?!", I got up to her face and said very clearly,"I. Hate. You. Too...." I walked out of the room, bumping into Rachel. "What happened?", She asked. "She played us. Julie. Julie played us. I saw her text messages with this girl named Claire.. She said she hates me. She was hiding all of it. I don't know. Maybe she hates all of us.... And she's TOO STUPID TO STAND UP AND SAY IT!!" I ran out, crying my whole heart out. I ran to the bathroom, and cried until I heard a knock on the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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