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Opening my eyes I struggled to move, barely accomplishing the task of turning my head. I gazed down upon my cream white arms, barely visible beneath the heaps of wires and needles; digging their pricks into me like snakes. Panic surged throughout my body, creeping itself into the narrowest corners of my brain until it took over. Ripping the needles from my body, the snake life needles dropped dead with crimson blood. I kicked down the door, finding new profound energy within me as I ran through the dark that engulfed me.
I sat on a bench, probably green once before but now stripped of its color. Like me, except I was stripped of my family. I remember, I remember everything. The way my mother laughed, a grin so big you'd think she was a Cheshire Cat. How my dad left every full moon with my mom because it was something they just couldn't miss out on. Then I found out , years worth of lies piled up for my safety, protection and care. I was special, the child bound to trigger the curse one way or another; but something had to die first at my hands. Midsummer's day 690 days ago I killed. Ever since then I've dreaded a full moon, counting the days since I stained myself. The first time I turned into a wolf I lost all control , a slave to the full moon. Then they took me, far away; the malicious scientists.
Far off in the distance I heard a twig snap, slowly taking  me out of my state of remembrance. Gazing off into the dark shadows I felt the presence of someone behind me. As I turned, ready to face the person, the cool, metal blade of a knife pierced the flesh of my arm, bringing me anguish and pain. I caught a glimpse of the carving on the knife. Staggering, I clutched my bloody arm as the full moon appeared from the stormy clouds; healing my profound wound. The lean person stared at me with a look of shock on his face. Grinning from ear to ear I whispered, loud enough for him to hear, "Cat got your tongue?" Scrambling away, I heard his yells for help from a far distance. As I walked into the woods the full moon dawned upon me, covering me in the silver light of the night as I stood out, the stark white wolf.
My face was covered with beads of perspiration, I tried so hard to not let the hunger cloud my mind and rule over my thoughts which lead to me biting into the flesh of small animals. I faintly remembered the face of another wolf, his mahogany pelt glittering in the moonlight. Silently praying I wandered around the woods, hoping that he would recognize me and retreat from the shadows. My wish was granted as I saw a man peer out of the shadows, presenting himself with salute, he whispered a name so faint it could've been the wind "Aiden."
Looking into his eyes, I felt my knees collapse as I fell to the ground with a thump.
    Sparkling blue eyes shone above me, capturing me in a trance. Aiden spoke clearly now, "Your highness how may I attend to you?" I was bred from the royal family of Lunars, a crescent imprint on all of our backs as well as stark white pelts during transformation. I felt a shocking remembrance of that voice as I recalled our sun kissed memories, and our destinies to be wed. Putting that matter aside, I rang out in response "I'd like to be escorted to my parents please." Disappointment flashed across his features, as he told me "Princess Robin, you're parents are encaptured. They went looking for you the night the scientists took you away and they were encaptured as well." Bowing his head down in sympathy, he retreated knowing I needed a moment to process the news. It was my fault my parents were encaptured, I was going to get them back.
    Through the deadly fumes I saw a person, livid as day but put in a cell made of metal; the hope in their eyes to get out...mom. With a gasp, I jolted awake feeling the pressure in my lungs. I screamed out in pain, realizing I couldn't live like this any longer; not without doing something. Aiden ran into the room, short of breath, taking little gasps between each word "I heard you scream, what's the matter?" I sobbed saying, "Aiden...I saw them, in my dream. They're all encaptured. I can't just stay here doing nothing." Understanding, Aiden nodded his head in agreement but as I told him I wanted to go with him he vigorously shook his head; he spoke in an authoritative tone telling me "You're the princess of the Lunar pack, if we were to lose you we wouldn't have a leader capable of ruling our pack. What if we fail the mission, you would be held responsible for the end of the Lunar pack and we would cease to exist in time."
I  rang out in response telling him, "Aiden, I am princess of the Lunar pack; yes I know. But I am not going to stand here and just let my family rot behind metal cages! They're treated like animals when all they're really humans! If the mission fails, I will take it under my hands to keep someone here and appoint them princess if I die Aiden. It's final I'm going."
    The night was grim, the scientists knew we were coming...to fight. They were waiting for the day this would happen....the day they'd have more lab rats, to finally put an end to us. I knew the head of the department that was capturing my family, Salvatore. Salvatore had lost his family to his one love, me. Now he seeked revenge so powerful it rid his heart of any capable emotions. Despite the wishes of my parents I hadn't wanted to marry Aiden, every night Salvatore and I  would meet and talk about running away. A gloomy night I turned right before his eyes and devoured his family; the first transformation. It was always something that haunted me so I endured the pain of metal chains laced with wolfsbane every night, so I wouldn't do the same. My figure was covered in black, barely visible in the night. The Lunar Pack and I devised a plan to get my family out of there. We needed diversions, equipment and massive amounts of wolves. Wolves needed to wound scientists and needed to have equipped arms on them in case. The process required me to recall how I got out, recalling my escape,  I realized I was in my own separate room while others were in cages. It dawned upon me chemicals were most likely swimming through my body right now.
    The department was in chaos, scientists were fighting and we were as well. We needed light in here so my family could channel the energy from the moon in order to regain their lost strength. Punctured walls brought in silver light; illuminating the dark, gloomy place. As teams worked together to kick down the door that captured my family, a cold hand covered in blood muffled my screams. I looked up into the mossy eyes of Salvatore; tears shed from my eyes, realizing I was still in love with my prince. Knowing the same love wouldn't be returned, I swallowed the lump in my throat, recalling our initials on the tree of day and night. Salvatore looked down at me and I saw a flicker of emotion but it was soon gone. His hand was still pressed on my lips as he led me to another room, where he told me "Shush my princess. Today you will be in peace knowing I've broughten brightness into your world. You'll finally-" Salvatore never finished his sentence as Aiden opened the door, and wounded Salvatore. My prince lay on the floor covered in blood and my tears as they mixed, as I saw the metal glint of a knife. Realizing he would never be the prince I dreamt of, I got up and left my broken heart on the floor; knowing I should have loved Aiden all along.
    I ran to the room where my family was captured; wanting to know if they were finally safe. From the corner of my eye I saw the glint of a Cheshire Cat smile as many members of my family turned; but no where did I see the brightest white pelt of the king. Crying out in agony I screamed for my father, until I got a meager response in a corner. Lying on the floor, covered in his own blood, was my father. I put on a brave face for my father as I inspected his wounds; trying to clean them out but I realized he didn't transform even though the light of the full moon was shining on his figure. "Father.....why aren't you transforming?" With a smile on his face, he told me the story "The scientists; they're not bad at all...in fact they cured me from the Lunar curse. Transforming is painful and a burden to carry; eventually I signed a contract with them. I gathered as many pack members as I could and told them we would fight to get you back when in fact; I was just leading them to freedom. Even though I signed the contract many wolves refused to try the medications; saying it would invade their bodies and make them a lunatic like me..." I glanced up at him to see the crazed look in his eyes of a madman; he lead his people to death and captivity. This wasn't my father, my father would never hand his family in; especially his own wife. I struggled to break from his grip with sheer force but I helplessly struggled as I realized my father was going to kill me. He happily hummed "First a little pain, then a little sleepy sleepy and bye bye goes wolfy." As he grasped a knife in his hands, I realized the mark on the knife from somewhere. In shock I widened my eyes telling him, "You...you...it was you. You hurt me the night I escaped. I remember the carving on that knife it's the Lunar pack birthmark." I realized what I had to do as I wounded my own flesh and blood and ran away.
    "It's today that we proudly welcome back the family of the Lunar pack and wed Aiden and Robin to be our new King and Queen." As I walked down the aisle, I wished my father were here to see me; but at least I had my mother. Walking down the aisle, it felt like walking from captivity, loss, and pain into a new beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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