Chapter 1

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Ellie's P.O.V.

"Ellie!" I heard my mums voice from downstairs. She's calling my name fourth time now, because we need to go. Were moving to Britain, and that's realy hard to accept.

"I'm coming!" I shout loud enough so she can hear me. I packed last things in my room in another box and started carrying it to downstairs.

"Come on, were gonna be late! Why are you always so slow?!" Now my stupid brother was trying to annoy me. I took the first thing in the box that I found and threw it on him. And it was a book.

I like to read. I'm not that kind of girl who just likes partying all night and wearing makeup. Okay, I like to party sometimes, but I'm not that big fan.

"You jerk, should shut up!" I told him. I was loosing my nerves. Okay, I'm always loosing my nerves with my brother Matt.

Now, we're realy gonna be late for our flight. My dad is a real buisniss man and he got new job in London. We got out of house. I sat in our car and looked to our old house one last time. I need to leave this beautiful sunny Los Angeles and come in rainy and cloudy London.


"I'm home!" I shouted as I opened the door. I took my white converse off and left my bag on the little table.

"We're in living room. Come, we need to talk." I heard my fathers voice. What do we need to talk about? I was never in situation like this before. It must be realy inportant, because they are never home at this time.

"I'm here." I said as I steped into a living room. I found my mother, father and brother sitting and talking. That's wired. Matt never talks to mum and dad.

"So..." my mum started while looking at us. "Your father got a better job." She says and smiles.

"Well, that's nice." Matt stood up from couch and tried to go in his room. He was that kind of guy. He didn't care about anything.

"Sit down, Matt. We need to tell you something else." Dad was very serious. That's wired. They are scaring me now. What the hell is happening?!

"Alright" he says boringly and sits back next to me. "Just hurry up because I have to go to Will. We made a deal today and we're gonna be playin' some videogames, ya know?" He was nervous too.

"We're moving to London." My dad said peacefully. I couldn't believe his words. We are what? I looked at my mum, then back in my dad. I lost ambility to speak. I was speechless. I am happy that were moving from here, but I'm also sad.

I'm happy that I'm going to get rid of these horrible people. Only money, famous, popularity and looks were Important to them and I'm only 19.

"We're moving just like that?! What about my collage? Friends?" My brother was very nervous and mad about this. Well, he is the one of popular boys. Wherever he goes,he'll be popular. It's easy to him.

I'm opposite of him. Qiet, peacefull, not popular at all. No one would ever say that me and Matt are blood connected and that we have same parents.

"You'll be going in school and collage there. And about your friends... I never liked them, you already know that." My dad said and I agreed with him. Friends. If I could only call them like that.

"What's wrong with my friends?" Matt said with moody voice. He doesn't care, because everyone likes him and that's okay for him.

"Firsr of all, Matt. Act nice! And how can you even call them friends? You don't care about them. Only that's important to you is that they like you." I said with an evil smile of my face.

"You, baby sister, shut up! You are too youg and you don't know anything about life jet" He was veary mean.

"Exuse me? You are ONE. YEAR. OLDER. Okay?!" I was totaly mad at him now.

"Matt. Ellie, that would be enough. You can go to your rooms and I don't want to hear you fighting and arguing." My mother, Michelle was very serious, while she pointed to our stairs. She was always that one strict parent, and my dad was the good one.

-Back in present-

"...on left or right side?" Matt was saying something to me, but I didn't heard him. I had my headphones plugged in and I was listening to my favourite song Give your heart a break.

"Huh? Are you talking to me?" I said. Matt closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and said:

"You are realy stupid. I asked you do you want the left or right room?"

"Sorry, I don't uderstand you. How do you mean 'left' or 'right' room?" I asked. He always liked to complicate the thing.

"Well, you are realy, realy stupid." He rolled his eyes. "Do you want a room on the left side of the upstairs or right? Get it?!" He was losing his nerves.

"I don't know. What rooms are also upstairs?" I asked him. Now, I think I needed to go to see our new house when mum, dad and Matt were going to.

"Well, bathroom, closet, and that's it?" He said it as a retoricall question. He is making fun of me again.

"What are views from the rooms like?" I asked.

"What do you think? It's London. Skyscrapers everywhere, ya know.." he said and I hoped that wasn't the truth.

"Ugh... How could I know when i was never in London?" I asked him. You realy are from the stone age. Voice in my head said.

"You've never heard for Internet? Google?" He asked sarcasticly.

"Whatever." I gave up. "When are we arriving?" I asked my mum.

"For about twenty minutes." She said.

I nodded my head and put back the headphones. Music was relaxing me.

After some time we arrived. The car stopped. I came out of car and saw a realy big beige house with black roof. There was A LOT of flowers. 

The inside of house was designed in very modern black and white 70s style. Surely my mum was designing the inside. I mean, she's a designer. Everyone would like to have that modern mother, but not me. I'm on the whole other planet. Why? Because she never has time for us. She is always on work and all other shits. It's the same thing with my dad. I don't even know how doeas their marriage works. They barely see eachother.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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