I'm laying down in the damp long ,tall green grass with the bright yellow sun gazing down on my face I lay there in silence
thinking doing nothing but thinking.I think about how life would be if the world was peaceful if everybody was happy and everybody got along if there were no weapons to harm people.people wouldn't get murdered wouldn't it be nice? I think about what would the world be like if technology wasn't invented you would see kids playing outside in the puddles and rain and mud again when it's wet and rainy you would see kids playing in hoses in the summer you would see kids and adults reading books again you would see little girls playing with there barbie dolls not sitting on an iPad or iPhone or iPod you would see Little boys playing with there trucks and cars not sitting on a computer technology has changed the world In a big way.I lay there and think about open doors,doors that lead us to new optitunities new things in life different things we can try and see.Theres many new things to try in life there's always new optitunities for us to try.Not every adult has a job not every kid plays a sport not every kid is involved in somthing so maybe if these adults and kids had doors to open to lead them to somthing they like and enjoy to do.Theres 2 open doors to start with one good one bad and yes some people do chose the bad one and yes people do chose the good one but imagian if we could get rid of that bad door kids would be able to roam streets knowing that there safe kids would be aloud to go places do things without there parents knowing that there not safe but these days kids can't do that there's so many girls out there they can't even walk from one place to another without getting sexually abused I know it's discussing and sounds disgusting but unfortantly it's true there's little kids being just randomly stolen these days for no reason on minute thier there next minute there not people getting shot just cause people feel the need to shoot someone it's not right so just imagian if we could get rid of that bad door.It would be a lot better if we had lots of good open doors.Usally the people that chose the good door are genours and kind and caring and they are helpful they chose the good side in life they are the sorta people we need more of in this world. So why don't you open a door and see what you can find you might just find somthing you like or enjoy to do but please try not to open a door that takes you down and bad road.Open a door and see what life gives you