My Return

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I had been woken up on a dark cloudy day by my friend Malgerius "Come it's time to start our walk back to the kingdom Houdin." Malgerius had said I got up and we packed all of our belongings and mounted our horses and started the journey back. Along our way we had encountered a group of bandits who were attempting to ambush us, we quickly rode back towards Camelot to warn King Arthur about the bandits. When we came back they had found Mordred on the throne instead of Arthur. "Sir where is King Arthur?" I had said while kneeling "I am the King I have taken the throne from my father" Mordred replied. Malgerius and I were extremely shocked at the news and Malgerius asked "Where is Sir Lancelot Queen Guinevere?"  Guinevere said "He has been exiled out of Camelot." We we're confused on why all this happened but we still told Mordred the news "Sir there is a group of bandits outside of Camelot waiting to ambush and loot people who pass by." Malgerius had said. "Ok did you find the group of knights that we lost?" Mordred had said "No sir." Malgerius and I replied "We are going to stop our searches for them they have been lost for weeks." We nodded and headed back to the
Barracks. The next morning I found that Malgerius had left the Kingdom and all he left was a note saying he's looking for Arthur. I packed getting ready to head out when I found Malgerius's sword so I took it and departed. I had taken my horse and left the kingdom tracking his trail when a lightning storm started. Houdin was following the trail when he heard lightning hit close by and then suddenly his Horse started running off wildly and he was struggling to stay on that's when the I fell off and my horse ran off. I continued my journey on foot after a couple hours I saw a cave with a small light in it so I walked in and found Malgerius sitting by the fire. "So you found me Houdin come sit." Malgerius said. I sat down next to him "So you want to join me on my Journey to find him?" Malgerius asked "That's the reason I came." I replied, Malgerius smiled "let's get some rest for tomorrow then." Malgerius said as he extinguished the fire. The next morning I remembered to give Malgerius his sword but Malgerius was still fast asleep. An hour had passed when he woke up. "Hey I took your sword with me before I left the barracks." I say I hand Malgerius the sword and he gets up and sheathes it "Lets continue our Journey then." Malgerius says. I nod and Malgerius and I get up we walked for a couple of hours before we saw a few bandits sneaking up on us when the got close we drew our blades and partied their strikes after a while my sword made a deep gash into one of their shoulders that's when I felt a blade strike my armor and I turned around when a sword came at my face. I had blocked it in time but I was staggered so I backed up and took my shield out as I did that Malgerius stabbed him in the back after he slaughtered the other bandit. Both of us were catching our breaths when another bandit snuck up and stabbed Malgerius with a dagger. I lifted my sword up ready to fight when he pulled out a battle axe. He tools a big swing I backed up out of its range and went in for a stab when the bandit sidestepped he went in for another strike when I cut into his chest. After the hit landed the bandit fell over and I plunged my sword into his heart. I went over to Malgerius to help him and he sat up as I bandaged him and we walked to the nearest town we could find. After we got to a infirmary Malgerius had proper care. A few days later we left on our journey once more heading towards France. After a while we found the coast and we had taken a day to get a boat afterwards we started sailing to France we took a few days of sailing to get to France's coast. We stepped foot on France and we continued walking. A few hours passed when we were knocked out by a individual who looked like Arthur.

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