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I laid down on my back as i pulled the arrow from my chest. Its nothing. It should heal quickly, i told myself over and over again. I needed to go eat something it would help me heal faster. I saw a mouse crawling around the room. I stared it down and said under my breath, "you will come to me, you will surrender to me, You will feed me." And in that instant the mouse scurried to where i was and laid there it posed its own death. What was i doing? This was sick! I might be a vampire, but i wasn't going to feed off anything right in front of Melody. She was only four years old and she stared me down scared. I let the mouse go, tickling it under its belly and laughing as it went back to eating scrapings off the floor. Melody sighed in relief and came to sit on my lap. Despite the pain that was killing me in my chest i pulled her down beside me and stroked her hair.

"We will get out of here." I told her struggling to find the strength to speak.

"What is wong with you sissy. Do you need to fweed?" she asked. For gods sake, what i would do to make her happy. I saw tears go down her cheeks. I cradled her in my arms and kissed her forehead.

"Litte sister, have no fear we will be long gone and i will have been fed before we leave here today." I murmured. She clanged her charm bracelet against the cell door. I gasped as the pain from the silver chains draped across my body set in. "Would you mind taking the chains off?"

"Yes, do chwains hurt you?" she asked with a concerned look on her face. Look what was happening she was worrying and stressing, two things four year olds should never suffer from. I nodded and winced in pain as she took off the first layer. When she got to the fifth layer i was passed out. The pain had gone away and i was regaining strength. My eyes had turned yellow and my fangs were out i needed to feed!I pushed the thought of blood away and i was back to normal, "Melody, sweetie, im about to do something extremely gruesome. Can you do me a favor and look away when it happens?"

"You need to fweed!" she said, "What are you going to do?"

"See that gaurd right there im going to use my hypnotizing to convince him to come in here, as soon as that happens, close the cell door and turn away, okay?" I asked looking into her sweet chocolate eyes.

"Alright, i can do that." she said and stood by the door.

"Guard!" I called, he looked into the small window on the cell door and stared at me like i was an animal. "You will open the door, You will come in, You will surrender to me!" I said the words and his eyes turned yellow and he opened the door, just like i said Melody quietly shut the door. He came to me and fell to his knees. I jumped on. Melody was looking away good. I bit into his neck and sucked out all his blood. Then i threw his lifeless dry corpse behind me, i wiped my mouth and sucked my fangs back in. "Melody, sweetie."

She turned to look at me and then smiled, "Yes sissy."

"Were getting the hell out of here!" I said.


So lets explain what happened leading up to this point. My name is Lilah Lowery and i'm a teenage vampire. My parents were both vampires too, and when they adopted me when i hit sixteen they changed me. Two years before i was changed they adopted Melody, she was only a month old when they got her, but now she has experienced life with vampires. Previously i had to witness my foster parents get staked as they fought to hide us. When they died we ran, Melody and I, we went all over trying to find isolation from the vampire hunters. Why was Melody here? Shes not a vampire, but they declared her dead along with me, for association. When they found us They wanted to use me for experimentation and they wanted Melody there to see if her blood had been exposed to any vampire activity. I was sitting here in a cell at a building where they planned to use me for blood, when they discovered vampire blood could heal people and could also increase sexual activity, thats all they wanted from us. They couldn't accept us. They put silver chains all over me so i wouldn't fight back, but now that i was here i was getting out! I would be escaping to Italy where vampires were actually welcomed and it was against the law there to hunt us. Thats where i would be safe, along with my melody.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2010 ⏰

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