The Marked

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In 1816, something called "The Year Without A Summer" occurred. It was caused by a volcano eruption from the previous year. The ash from the eruption blocked out the sun which created the frozen summer. During that year, survival was made particularly hard and sometimes death was the better option. But even when it wasn't, it still ran rampant and often times, humans were the cause. Those that didn't die from the chill died from each other. Now, murderers had existed since the time of Cain but they had reached an all time high once again.

At last, a pub called the Six Mile Inn was built. It was named in honor of the fact that it was located six miles from Charleston, SC. It was a simple, standard pub that didn't seem special, but that was because it wasn't. It wasn't the pub that was special, it was a certain group of people that frequented that pub. They were the ones who made it special. And who were they? Well, they were a motley crew of unique and diverse folks whose only similarities were as such: a strange red brand on their inner forearms and the crime of murder on their heads. These murderers, these lost souls, were able to roam the countryside but, for some reason, the Six Mile Inn had become like a home to them, inexplicably drawing them in.

Those special people, the murderers, were called The Marked in honor of that red brand because it had not come from any human. Instead, the moment a murder was committed, that red mark would cut itself into the arm of the guilty. It was as though God himself were judging and condemning them. The present owners of the Six Mile Inn were some of the Marked. They ended up creating a whole new side to the inn. Yes, the Six Mile Inn did function as a normal bar and hotel, but when the moon was high and light low, other Marked would enter this inn and call it a sanctuary for murderers. These two owners who had built this secret side to the Six Mile Inn were Lavinia and John Fisher. Their gang consisted of Storm and Tender, Johnny, Mary, Edward, Rosalie, Henry, Sarah, James and Tim. They were about to get a new member.

That new member was a 21 year old woman named Abigail Randolph. She had killed her cheating husband and his mistress in a jealous rage after discovering their affair. Hurt and betrayed by her husband, Abigail waited until he and his mistress were together in bed. Abigail stabbed them both until every square inch of the bed sheets were stained in red. Her mark appeared only moments after both husband and mistress had breathed their last. Initially, Abigail thought nothing of it, but one day, something changed all that. It was snowing, again, and she had headed into town in hopes of finding something for sustenance. She hadn't originally intended to, but during this daylong trip outside, she wound up heading to the Six Mile Inn. As she walked in, she couldn't help but think about what a dingy establishment it was, but her instincts would not allow her to leave without sitting down and ordering a drink.

"What can I get for you?" the lady at the bar asked when Abigail drew near. Her southern accent was as heavy as the snow outside.

"Just whiskey," Abigail responded, slapping some money on the cold wood between them. The woman smirked at the payment and swept it into her apron before turning around to grant the girl her request. Once she returned with a frothy mug full of whiskey, Abigail noticed something strange in her eyes. It was typical for someone who ran an inn to scrutinize their customers but Abigail could sense that she was being scrutinized even more than the average patron and she couldn't help but bristle under such an intense gaze. Ok, yes, she was a murderer twice over and she probably should've been at least imprisoned for such a heinous act, but she wasn't a psycho or a serial killer. Her husband was cheating on her! She didn't just go stabbing anyone who angered her! It was just that one time and she had good reason! So this lady didn't have to keep staring at her like she expected Abigail to go on a rampage right then and there.

"Thank you," Abigail said suddenly, then she moved away from the bar with the mug held in a tight fist. She tried to find a seat as far away from the bar as possible. Despite this obvious gesture, Abigail could still feel the barmaid's eyes burning holes into her head.

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