(During school)
Today was hecticcccccc! My girlfriend slapped me today because I was "drooling" over an anime charactor. It hurt sooo bad. I held my cheek for at least a minute before letting it go. Oh and this morning my mother yelled at me because I was taking to long in the shower(not). I was really just sleeping on the ground then my mom came in and yelled at me more and told me to get up. Right now I'm in fourth period but that's my day so far.
(Later that day)
Hey right now I'm in 6th period. This girl who likes me is sitting next to me. I don't really like her as a girl friend because I already have one. (So she can go fuck herself). Anyways my teacher I think is playing gods plan. My mother has this song on her phone. I love it. Right now I usually get 100's but today on our spelling test I got a 90, A 90. I swear that I'm going to kill a person soon. UGH. Buuuut if I do that I won't get to see my family die.
(On the bus)
So right now I'm on the bus as you can tell. I am sitting next to meh friend Savanna we are talking allllllllllllll about fan fictions. And now this girl just sat by her. And Savanna is not talking to meh. Anyways Savanna wants to read my fan fiction. Wait I think I,should say Ready Sign Out. BYE!!!!!!!!,