The Beauty You Hold

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"No, but listen, you're like ten times prettier than any of the girls I've seen okay?" James pushed his opinion on you as he and you sat in the back of Jordan's car. You were on your way to see a movie so, Dan had this all on film as usual.

"Really? Because 90% of the girls I've seen are prettier than me." You admitted. James covered his face with his hands, smiling.

"Babe...come on, you're so beautiful!"

"James, I'm so not."

"Just let it go, (Y/N), James thinks you're cute. That's what should matter," Jordan chimed in. "No, because I deserve-" You tried your best to prove your point but you were cut off by James pulling your face inches from his.

"You're the most beautiful girl, I've seen in my entire lifetime." James said before pressing his lips against yours. "Awww!" Dan smiled, "They're so cute!" Jordan snickered, "They dern sure are, aren't they Dan?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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