Dog With A Blog

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Avery: We can't let no one know Stan's secret about talking.                                               

Chloe: Are you sure he ever talked because I have a big imagination.

Tyler: Yea but that is funny because every night I have the same dream that some old lady tells me to eat my soup.

Chloe: Oh that is me I sometimes come in your room at night and say eat your soup eat your soup!

Avery: Enough now what can we do so no one can find out Stan's secret.

Tyler: I don't now.

Stan: What did you say Avery?

Avery: Oh nothing stan.

Stan:okay but when are you going to feed me.

Avery: Later.

Stan: But I'm starving I fell like I'm going to die!

Avery: You will be alright.

Stan: Okay.

Ellen: Who was that talking just now.

Bennett: Ya that didn't sound like any of you.

Avery: It was me.

Bennett and Ellen: Okay Avery.

Avery: That was a close one and now Stan I will git your food now.

Stan: Ok.


-Later on-   Bennett: Do you guys want to go to the pool?

Avery: Sure dad.

Tyler: No I'm hanging out with my friends today.

Chloe: Yeah sure.

Bennett: do you want to go to the pool honey?

Ellen: No thank you I am going to the mall with my friends.

Bennett: ok do you guys have every thing?

Avery: Yeah.

Chloe: Yep.

Bennett: Ok let's go we will be back sometime later.

Bennett: We are back and the kids had fun.

Ellen: Good so do you want to know what I got.

Bennett: No.

Ellen: Why not.

Bennett: Because I am tired I am going to go to bed.

Ellen: Ok kids it is time to go to bed.

Avery: Ok.

Tyler: Ok.

Chloe: Ok.


-The next day-

Avery: Yea school!

Chloe: School is so boring.

Tyler: You got that right Chloe.

Avery: Scool is fun.

Tyler: You call learning fun.

Avery: Yeah.

Tyler: You are crazy how can you stand school.

Avery: I don't know how I just think it is fun.

Ellen: so how was school today?

Avery: Fun like always.

Tyler: Boring.

Chloe: Not fun thats for sure.

Ellen: Ok.

Avery: So Stan how was you day.

Stan: Good, so what do you want to do go play ball at the park or go see pools at the park if thay are at the park.

Avery: I pick playing ball.

Stan: Ok let's go.

Stan: That was fun!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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