Things I'll Never Say (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)

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Things I'll never say.

Hey everyone I found this story that I wrote  a while age and thought I would post it here…

So you know the drill…




Summary: During new moon from Edward's POV, he wrote a letter to Bella, but is afraid to tell her how he really feels.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, but if I did, Edward would never have left.

One month, it's been one month since I left her, since I broke her heart, since I made the worst mistake in my 104 year walking this planet. For a month I have been fighting myself trying to convince myself was the best thing for her no matter what I had seen in her eye. Giving into my need for her love I sat at my desk and wrote a letter no sure if I would ever send it...

Dear Bella, my beautiful Bella,

I am so sorry for what I said I never meant any of it, you are the only one I will ever love. I lied because I wanted you to have a normal human life, and the only way I thought that could happen is if I left you. Bella, my only love, you have to understand how much it hurt to see your face after I told that I did not love you anymore. I could see that your heart had been broken and that I had it was my fault. I love you, you have to know. I love you more than my own life, you have to believe that. I would do anything to be with you again, to make you smile, to hear your laugh, to kiss your lips and to hold you in my arms. Bella my angel, can you find it in your heart to forgive me? I promise that if you did you will not regret it. I will stay by your side until you order me away. If you cannot forgive me I will respect your wishes and stay away no matter how much it hurts me to do so. I love you so much please tell me if you can forgive me.

Love you, forgive me,


... Sitting back I read the letter that I poured my soul (if I had one) into, made me feel so exposed having my darkest secrets on a page. I could not send it, I could not let her see it the letter would just hurt her more.

I ripped the letter up and threw it into the fireplace, watching as each piece burn into the flames before I left the room. I didn't stop walking until I was out of the house.

And then I ran.

I ran and ran never looking back never stopping until I was a hundred miles away from the house, from everything that was suffocating me with Bella in mind. It was there where I collapsed into a fit of silent sobs.


Thanks for reading ok guys time to tell me what you think... is it any good and should I add more chapters.

Thanks vampireprincess656

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