Last Author's Note

290 8 13

Hi, everyone!

Firstly, I would just like to thank every single one of you for reading this book and commenting/voting! It means the absolute world to me to know that my work is actually reaching people. This book has been taken off of Wattpad (save the prologue), because it will start going through the publishing process very soon! I would really love for each of you to have a copy of your own so that you'll be able to find out what exactly happens to Clove, Saber, Glimmer, Fang, and Ripper throughout their story!! (If you'd like to receive updates on the publishing process, and eventually a book(s) of your own, just let me know!)

I am really excited for this book to draw to a close, and to begin work on the SECOND AND THIRD EXPERIMENTS BOOKS CALLED.....

Runaways (Experiments book 2)

and Saviors (Experiments book 3)

(I have not decided yet if books 2 and 3 will be posted on Wattpad! I'll let you all know soon!:)

Again, thank you all so much for the love and support you've given to this book! It means the world to me! Please stay in contact while it goes through publishing!

Love, MaKenna:)

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