Chapter 22

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Hyuna's P.O.V

No work. And I'm bored. So i end up at Han River, just blanking my mind. Sometimes, we need time for our ownself. But I've been thinking a lot lately.

About boys. Seokjin oppa and Daniel. Daniel have been wanting to spend time with me. I just decide to go with the flow. Because i have nothing to do. I don't want to rot at home. I feel a little bit comfortable with him. But not as comfortable when I'm with Seokjin oppa. Do i like Daniel? Don't know.

Meanwhile, Seokjin oppa have been giving me roses. What does it means when a guy gives you roses? Is there a sign? But I don't really believe these signs if there are any. If Seokjin oppa have something to tell me, he should just tell me.

"Hyuna?" - someone called. I turn to where it cane from.

"Hi." - Woojin said with a smile.

"Oh hi." - i said, smiling.

"Alone?" - he asked. I nod.

"Can i join you?" - he asked. I nod again. He sit next to me, leaving a small gap.

"Why are you here, alone?" - he asked.

"Nothing. Just blanking my mind." - i said.

"Oh~ Not working?" - he asked. I shook my head.

"There's workers, so i can take some hours to rest." - i said.

"You? No work for today?" - i asked. He shook his head.

"It's rest day for the boys and staffs." - he said.

"I see." - i said with a smile.

"So uh, what are your plans for today?" - he asked.

"Nothing actually. But going to meet PJ unnie for dinner." - i said.

"I see. Wanna walk around?" - he asked with a smile.

"Yeah. Let's go." - i said with a nod. We stand up and walk around Han River. It's cold with strong wind. I hugged myself, because it's too cold for me. My hair is a mess because of the wind. It's flying all around. It was a quiet walk. I don't have anything to say. Woojin is quiet too. Maybe he's enjoying the peace. I am enjoying the peace too.

Fast forward...

Waiting for PJ unnie to arrive at the restaurant. I had some peaceful time with Woojin. I like it. We parted ways after a long walk and a cup of coffee. My stomach grumbles. I'm so hungry. Where is PJ unnie? Ermahgawd.

I decide to order first. Fried chicken to start off along with coke. Yessss~ i take a bite of the fried chicken, making a crunchy sound as i bite on the meat too. Chewing it slowly and appreciating the juiciness of the meat. (A/N: i want fried chicken now ㅠ.ㅠ)

Soon, PJ unnie arrives. She was panting. "Sorry. I had a small fight with my husband and yeah." - she explain.

"It's okay. Take a sip of my coke." - i said, offering her my drink. She take my cola, taking a sip. The gas was too strong that she hiccuped. She burped after that. I laughed. She laughed along. I give her my last piece of fried chicken. Then we ordered our food.

As our food arrives, we dig in. I'm so hungry. I guess PJ unnie is hungry too. We had a quiet dinner, some how. Because we were focused on eating. "Unnie, what did your and your husband fight about?" - i asked.

"Just because I'm meeting you for dinner. He got mad." - she explained.

"He always leave me alone for dinner." - she adds on.

"True though." - i said. It is. Almost everyday, dinner, PJ unnie will eat dinner alone or she will call me. Or she'll come over to the restaurant to eat dinner. Pity her. I wonder who is her husband. Like i wanna know how he looks like. How could he do this to PJ unnie?

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