First Day

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"I... failed?"

I couldn't believe my ears. I failed the entrance exam for U.A? No, it was believable. I didn't get a single robot Villain, not even a one point. My Quirk wasn't meant for fighting robots-

"Not quite. You see, there was another secret way to gain points. Rescue points. Since you saved seven people from being crushed by robots - good job, by the way - you got maximum points. You're in class 1-A, (Y/N)," Present Mic said, handing me a timetable. I stared at it for a few seconds, not quite able to believe it.

"I... got in?"


Walking into the class, feeling extremely self conscious about how I missed the first week, I sat at the first free desk I saw. A few moments later the door was kicked open by an angry looking blonde who stomped towards me, pausing next to me. I forced my tense body to move so that I could look up at him, feeling stiff and uncomfortable.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! GET OUT OF MY SEAT!!" he shouts and I yelp, jumping to obey him. Clutching my bag to my chest, aware of everyone staring at me as I stand up and move out of the way, the blonde slides into the seat. I move to the back of the class, about to sit on the floor, when someone else walks in. He had really spiky, red hair and red eyes. His teeth were sharp. He notices me and smiles, then waves his hand for me to sit next to him. I gratefully take the spare seat.

"I haven't seen you in here before. What's your name?" he asks, resting his head on his hand as he looks at me.

"I-I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)," I respond, trying not to stare at him and instead staring at my desk in discomfort. This whole place was unfamiliar and I wasn't sitting at the back where I wanted to. In fact, I was almost in the middle of the class. Being in a back corner was one of my coping strategies as I would have had a wall beside and behind me, and I would've been able to see everyone in the room. Unfortunately, the gods were out to make me as scared and uncomfortable as possible today.

"Cool name! I'm Eijiro Kirishima, but you can call me Kiri," he replies, grinning at me. I give a small smile back and relax a bit.

'Well, at least someone here is nice,' I think to myself, looking around the room. It was at that moment that the door opened and a man in a faded yellow sleeping bag rolled into the room along the floor. I leaned back a bit, raising one eyebrow in confusion as he rolled to his feet.

"Good morning class. A new student has joined us today. (Y/N), could you come up here?" he asks, waving at me to get me moving. I freeze for a second as people turn to look at me but soon force myself to move. Trudging up to the front, my head lowered to stare at the ground, I shuffle uncomfortably on the spot next to the man I assumed was the teacher.

"She missed the first week due to family issues, but she was the one who rescued the most people in the exam. Please treat her like you treat eachother," he says, then turns to me, "Anything you want to say?"

I shake my head quickly, eager to sit back down. He allows me to go and I speed walk back to my seat, plopping into it quite gratefully. Kiri smiles at me again and this time I give him a proper smile back, feeling my heartbeat settle a bit now that I was out of the spotlight.

"So, we're going to do a test today," the teacher says, then places his hands over his ears as the class starts shouting.

"Aizawa sensei! What about (Y/N)? She hasn't had any time to prepare!" a boy with dark blue hair and glasses says, standing up stiffly and chopping his arm in the air repeatedly. I shrink further into my seat as Aizawa turns his gaze on me.

"She'll be fine," he states plainly, "It's just a physical test while using your Quirks."

I sag further. My Quirk wasn't going to help me at all!

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