Story One: Yandere

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I honestly should've seen it coming.
The signs were there, I just ignored them, and now I might not get out alive...
My name is Hidemi, and I am a fool who didn't know the truth about Atsushi.
Throughout my life, I have been thought of as "popular with the guys".
Until high school, I only had guy friends...
But I also acted more "boyish" than I do now.
I was never thought of as a love interest until the change that high school put me through.
I decided to give the girls' uniform a chance, and realized that I should try to actually talk to other girls.
Until then, I never even thought about how important a female friend could be.
Well, I ended up making many friends of both sexes.
One day, while we were hanging out, I had the feeling I was being watched.
Looking around, I found nothing, and shrugged it off.
Also, that day, I ended up getting my first love confession.
I told him that I needed a little more time to think it over, and that I'd give him an answer the next day.
When I went home, I got a message in my inbox saying that if I cared about that boy's safety, I would turn him down.
I asked how they knew about the love confession, but I never did get an answer.
In truth, I felt the same way about that boy, so I decided that we should get together.
The threat didn't seem serious anyway.
After all, it was just some random kid on the internet, right?
That was the first day that I saw upperclassman Atsushi talking to the boy I was dating.
In truth, Atsushi isn't unattractive.
He's kind of short, and has black hair that's on the longer side.
He's pale and has light green eyes that are surrounded by black-framed glasses.
He also constantly wears oversized sweaters that cover his hands.
On the surface, he seems like a really sweet kid, but...
Days after that first meeting, my boyfriend started acting strange, but he wouldn't tell me what was wrong.
His normally kind eyes had an unusual, terrified look to them.
Two weeks later, he went missing.
The police found his corpse hanging by a rope in the forest.
Suicide, supposedly.
I was absolutely devastated.
That's when Atsushi first approached me.
He saw me crying and tried to cheer me up.
Once in a while, he would say things that didn't really make sense, but it was kind of normal for him, in a way...
We just started expecting him to say weird things.
After we had gotten to know each other a bit more, I actually invited him over to my house.
The way he was acting was... peculiar, even for him.
He seemed absolutely ecstatic to be in a girl's house.
Letting him in was my first mistake.
My second mistake was taking him up to my room... and leaving him in there, alone, for even five minutes.
I only went downstairs to make some tea...
After he left, I didn't notice it at first, but within a couple days, I realized that my favorite bra and underwear were missing...
I just thought they had gotten lost in the laundry, but no matter how much I searched, I couldn't find them.
I never got the courage to ask him about it.
Anyway, months later, old wounds had healed, and I had fallen in love again, with another one of my close guy friends.
He was another one who was there for me when the other boy died.
I felt genuinely cared for with him, and so I eventually confessed.
He accepted everything, and soon, I was happy again.
Once again, days after we started dating, I noticed the same fearful look in my boyfriend's eyes.
When we finally had some time alone, I asked him relentlessly to tell me what was wrong.
"If I say anything, he'll kill me!" he cried.
I asked him who he was talking about.
Eventually, I finally got it out of him.
"Atsushi! He carries a knife around with him! In his pocket!"
"What is he doing to you?" I asked.
He cried and cried before giving the answer.
"He wants me to stop loving you..."
There was a long pause before he said, "Hidemi, you have to stay away from Atsushi. He's smart. He's the one who staged the suicide."
After comforting him, he went home.
The next day, yesterday, Atsushi came to school acting really weird.
My boyfriend didn't come to school, either.
He asked to see me after school, alone.
After I denied him, there was this look of... determination, I guess you could say, on his face as he held a pocket knife up to my neck.
After that threat, I decided to take him up on his offer, as he promised not to hurt me.
That was a lie.
When we met where he suggested, he pushed me up against a wall and drugged me.
This morning, I woke up in his room, which is pasted with pictures of me.
I'm tied up on a bed in nothing but underwear that I don't remember owning...
In the corner of the room, my boyfriend sits, also tied up, and awake.
He, unfortunately, has his mouth tied up as well, but I don't.
Suddenly, Atsushi walks into the room carrying some food and drink on a tray.
"I figured you'd be awake by now, my dear Hidemi," he grins.
"What do you want from me, Atsushi? Haven't you done enough?" I question, my voice shaking with fear.
"No need to be so afraid, my dear. I'm not going to hurt a single hair on your pretty little head. After all, it's you that I want, Hidemi."
He holds out a spoon with food on it.
"Come on, you have to eat. I said I wouldn't hurt you, but I might change my mind if you don't do what I say!"
His voice has this... sick, psychotic ringing to it.
"How do I know you haven't drugged this food?" I ask slightly confident.
He sighs, "Fine. If you're going to be like that, starve for today. It'll probably be better not to eat anyway, because of what you're going to see today."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I'm not going to spoil the fun already! You just wait here while I get everything ready. Oooh, I'm so excited! I've been waiting for this day for weeks!" he giggles while walking out of the room.
He comes back, carrying a case and a bag.
"Ooooh, what to do first!" he beams in his sick and creepy way.
He looks back and forth between the case and the bag, then finally stops at the bag, dropping the case.
The case makes some kind of... metallic sound as it hits the ground.
He suddenly pulls a gag out of the bag and starts coming towards me.
Being tied up, I can't do much to stop him.
He takes out a few different sex toys from the bag and places them on the bed next to me.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happens next.
No matter what I did, I couldn't stop Atsushi from raping me in front of my boyfriend...
He left me there, on the bed, naked, while he put his clothes back on.
He then grabs the case and sets it down next to my boyfriend.
Atsushi then removes the tie around his mouth, allowing him to finally speak the words, "You bastard."
"You never got the chance to do that, did you? I can tell by the look on your face, virgin boy," Atsushi taunts.
I can't even speak up.
I'm paralyzed by shock where I lay.
He continues, "And the saddest part, I think, is the fact that you'll never get to experience it."
He opens up the case, revealing several knives of different lengths and widths.
"No wonder you had no friends. You're a sick freak," my boyfriend spits.
Atsushi smiles, "Why, thank you! That is the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me."
He then takes a smaller knife, lifts up my boyfriend's shirt, and starts carving something into his stomach while he screams in agony.
I begin to cry, then I'm finally able to say something.
"Atsushi," I start.
He stops for a short moment to answer, "Yes Hidemi, my dear?"
I can see the blood on my boyfriend's torso now.
I continue, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible, "Please, you don't have to keep hurting him. I-I'll stay with you. I'll do whatever you want and never leave, I swear! S-so please, don't kill that boy!"
He turns back to me, that creepy grin now spattered with blood, "Awww, that's sweet, but who ever said anything about letting you leave? I had absolutely no intention of it. Besides, if I let him go, he'll go and tell everyone, won't he? And I won't be having that."
Tears continuously fall from my eyes and I feel sick, despite not eating anything in almost a day.
He puts the small knife away, takes out a cloth, and douses it with rubbing alcohol.
He then takes the towel to the wounds to wash away the blood.
"Look Hidemi! It's a rabbit! I did this for you, you know," he laughs.
"I never asked for any of this!" I scream.
"It didn't seem that way when I was in that bed with you. In fact, it seemed like you wanted all of it, and more!"
"Atsushi, please, stop!"
He turns around, "Well, since you asked so nicely..."
He suddenly pulls out the longest knife, grabs my boyfriend, drags him over to me, and holds the point of the knife to his neck while continuing, "NO!"
Atsushi stabs the knife into his jugular, allowing blood to actually spray.
I cover my mouth as I watch the life leave my boyfriend's eyes.
The blood stops and Atsushi frowns, "Aww, he gave out so fast!"
"Oh well," he says while tossing the body to the side of the room.
He looks at me and smiles, "This was all for your own good! I'll never betray you! Believe it or not, I do love you!"
I can't even speak.
He looks me up and down.
"Aww, looks like I'll have to clean you up now. I know! Let's take a bath together!" He continues to smile.
He picks me up bridal style and takes me to the bath.
The warm water against my cold skin isn't even enough to snap me out of shock.
I just watched the person I love die in front of my eyes.
"I'm going to have to untie you. Promise you won't try to run away?" he questions.
Again, I'm unable to move or answer.
He takes it as a yes and unties me.
I should be able to take the chance and get the hell out of here, but I can't.
He washes me head to toe, dries me, clothes me, and ties me up again.
I'm unable to respond to anything for the next few days, and I have nightmares every time I sleep.
A week passes, then another, until eventually...
Suddenly, there's a banging on the front door.
"Shit," Atsushi mutters.
"Hello? This is the police. We have some questions for Atsushi (xxx)," a male voice shouts.
Atsushi turns to me, "I'm going to put you somewhere safe. Don't do anything unless I'm caught or you're found."
I can't nod or deny him.
He suddenly kisses me and I snap out of trance.
I blink a few times while he says, "No matter what happens, I still love you, more than anyone else."
Before he takes me anywhere, I'm able to speak up without tears pouring out from my eyes like rivers.
"Atsushi," I start.
"Yes, Hidemi darling?"
"Turn yourself in," I finish.
He looks shocked.
Now the tears begin falling.
"Just do it! It's clear that there's something wrong with you and you need help!" I shout.
He seems offended.
Suddenly, I hear one of my friends' voices shouting, "Hidemi! Was that you?!"
I yell back, "Yeah! I'm tied up in his bedr-"
He puts his hand over my mouth before I can finish.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Saving myself.
I bite his hand and he drops me.
"I'm in the back bedroom! Please hurry!" I scream.
Atsushi looks at me solemnly while sitting with his knees pulled to his chest, "Fine. You win. Just know that there's a part of me that will never be erased from you."
At this moment, if only just for a few seconds, he looks like a normal, troubled teenager, and I almost feel bad, but the memories I now have because of him prevent that from happening.
People come charging into the room: mostly police officers, but my friends, too.
The girls take the moment to notice that I'm only wearing underwear and keep the boys from seeing me.
They hand me a large, clean blanket after untying me, and I wrap it around myself.
My friends all look over to Atsushi with disgusted faces.
One of the girls even says, "You're supposed to be an upperclassman, an adult, in fact. You're eighteen. Why would you ever do something like this to anybody?!"
He passively walks towards me.
Police officers stand at attention, but I say that I'll allow it.
"Say what you want now because you'll never get a chance like this again, Atsushi," I state.
"I already admitted that you win, didn't I? I'm not going to do anything more," he says, but then, he kisses me again.
"Sorry. That one was sincere this time. Hidemi, I do love you. No matter how little it may mean to you at this point, you are the only one in my life that I have ever truly loved, and I will never love another person as much as I love you."
He backs away... blushing...
"I know I'm a human piece of garbage, so," he starts.
He then addresses the entire group, "I'll admit to what I've done. I raped her multiple times, once in front of Hidemi's boyfriend before I killed him right in front of her eyes. When I kidnapped her, I drugged her in an abandoned alley."
My friends give me a hug of support while giving Atsushi dirty looks.
Atsushi suddenly pulls out a pill bottle, full of antidepressants and takes off the cap, about to pour them down his throat, but the police and my friends knock the bottle out of his hand together.
The officers hold him back while one of my friends shouts at him, "After all the things you did to Hidemi, you don't get to take the easy way out! The judge will decide your punishment!"
I was the only one who decided to check the pill bottle for who the pills were actually for.
They ended up being my boyfriend's pills...
In the end, Atsushi was taken to a correctional facility.
He was deemed "not guilty by reason of insanity".
He'll be in there for a while, so I don't have to worry about being kidnapped again.
However, there's something else I'm worried about...
It's been a couple months since the entire incident happened...
In those months, I haven't had my period.
I'm pregnant with Atsushi's child.

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