Chapter one

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Isabella POV:  
  15 years old 
I wish I had a family that didn't abuse me just because I looked like my mom. My mom left when I was 4 since then my "dad" would get drunk and beat me  along with my older brother. My younger brother he is 5 and he knows that to hide when this happens.
  I was sleep when I heard " GET DOWN HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH AND MAKE ME BREAKFAST" from my dad. I didn't want another beating from him after last night. So I get up fast and make sure to be quiet so David my brother doesn't wake up. When I get to the bottom of the stairs my dad slapped me and said " WHERE IS MY FOOD AND BEER LITTLE SLUT" I stay quiet and go to the kitchen and make him and the others food. After I am done I get ready for school.
  When I get to my locker I was getting my books when my brother came up to me and said "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY HOMEWORK AND THIS TIME MAKE SURE IT LOOKS LIKE I DID IT". I wanted to say then I would have to redo it because you not smart. But you probably seen that I don't talk well that's because after one night my dad raped me for the first time after that I stopped talking.
  I give him the work,and walked away from him to first period when I knocked into someone. That some was the school player Aiden smith he hot and all but I hate him he was my bestfriend until high school said he didn't want me to ruin his life anymore so he drop me.
   "WATCH WHERE YOU GOING YOU BITCH" then his girlfriend the Queen bee of the school and dropped her coffee on me.
   The whole school was laughing even the teachers and principal that's when I  decided that I am running away so I drop my school bag and phone. And just walked away leaving everyone confused.
   I got home before my dad and packed all my stuff and got some paper and began writing my goodbye letters.
Dear dad:
You were supposed to love me like you said before that you would but that was not the case you abused me and worse of all you raped me once that is why I stopped talking and just took the beating. You need help if I was strong enough to I would get call the police but I am not strong that what you told me. But I hade enough of the abuse from you, David and students, and teachers. I am glad mom left you.
All hate to you
Isabella c.
Dear brother David:
You were supposed to stop the bullying but you done the bullying I hate you so much. You were to stop dad from raping me that night but you were probably partying that night. It was not my fault that mom left I don't know why she did but I am glad that she did.
All hate to you
Isabella c.

Dear brother Xavier: 
I love you with all my heart. You probably will not understand any of this but I am not going to be round anymore. I wish I could take you with me but I can't when I come back I will make sure to see you first. Don't let what was happen to me happen you. Please hang in Thad until I can come back I love you with all my heart and you know our  favorite place go there. There is something for you and don't let anyone see it but you please!!
Love you with all my heart
Bella you sister!!❤️.
  I left a phone there for him to call me and my number there for him. And got my things and but them in the truck and got in saying goodbye one more time. 

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