I Adult Too Much

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So here it is, my official rant book.

I realized the 'Everything Werewolf' book was starting to turn into a personal rant book and that's not what it's about. So here's my useless rant book...for times when Wattpad is annoying and dumb people won't leave me alone.

So here are a few points about how this account works, because some people seem to think I should be publicly active ALL the blimmin time!

1. I'm an adult, that means I have to pay bills. If sitting on Wattpad could make me as much money as a real job then I would happily sit on my *ss all day and live in a fantasy world. But it doesn't, so I don't!

2. I read every PM sent to me, my replies are dependant on the content of the message. If your PM sucks and has no importance then I'm not going to waste my time replying....I already wasted my time reading it.

3. Don't expect a reply from me. I'm not that polite.

4. My job is full time, it varies. Sometimes I work 7 days a week, sometimes none. Sometimes I work 12 hour days, other times it's only two hours. Half the time I'm not at a computer, I usually don't have internet or cell phone reception so I can't just pop on and do sh*t.

5. Seriously. Don't expect replies from me.

6. I write a lot of my stuff offline and won't be updating anything until I'm comfortable I have a big enough backlog to keep the account supplied for a few months.

7. This account is run by a single person, that means I am inundated with work that I don't get paid to do!

8. If you send me a PM make sure it's to the point. There is nothing worse than someone sending a novel about a novel. 

9. I like bullet points more than paragraphs, so if we're communicating short is best.

10. Lastly, don't be offended by my blunt honesty. I can tone it down depending on the...need of a person (I guess).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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