Et tu, Brute?

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Here I stand on the precipice, at the edge of all that I once held dear and ask myself, was this all worth it? Was war truly the answer? The destruction around me has long since been moved to the back of my mind. I can not hear the screams of the dying, the cries of wounded, the sound of the cannons, the clashing of sword against sword against shields, nor can I feel the various wounds on my body. All around me was death and destruction, bodies strewn about the field. The fortress behind me stripped to its foundations. Columns of smoke rising from the fires and ashes of what once was my Kingdom, but I can not find it in myself to care at the moment. The earth is soaked with the blood of my enemies and allies alike. Will that affect the crops? I wondered absent-mindedly as I walked past the fallen with nary a glance in their direction. Nothing mattered anymore, not the war, not my people, and certainly not my kingdom. I sink to my knees in front of her, her once vibrant blue eyes dulled in death staring unseeing at the sky. Tears leaving tracks on my face that I barely notice as I reached over with a trembling hand to close them.

I had seen her across from me on the battlefield and what a sight she presented. Dancing with the enemies to a waltz only she could hear, her unbound hair flying wildly behind her. She cut through her enemies with apparent ease, with a sword on each hand she slew a violent path through the ranks leaving death and destruction in her wake. Even with blood splattered on her robes, armor, and dripping down her face; she has never been more beautiful. I had thought in that instant. Blood seemed to stand out in contrast to her porcelain complexion, her eyes glowing in the dying light of the battlefield. Her once white dress a violent red, a feral grin on her face as she brushed her hair out of her face.

It had felt like an eternity ago when they had argued about her choice in proper battle attire just earlier that day.

"You can not wear white into battle, Amatus[1]." I was exasperated by that point while I watched her adjust the crown on her head in front of the mirror. She glanced in the mirror at me, "And why not?" She asked amusement dancing in her eyes. "It is just not done!" I huffed throwing my hands up, "You will stand out on the battlefield like a sore thumb! You are just making yourself an easy target!" I argued. She chuckled and moved to stand in front of me placing her arms around my neck. "But that is the point, my King..." She purred against my ear making me shudder deliciously at the contact. "Let them come at me, and I will show them exactly why it was I that was chosen to become their Queen..."

"Of course, and it is not because I love and chose you that you became my beautiful Queen..." I replied sarcastically, "And I love you my King, but I am not a damsel in distress in need of rescuing," she just smiled. I sighed in resignation, placing my hands on her hips, "You will be the death of me, my sweet." I groaned letting my head fall on her shoulders in mock defeat. She laughed again and swatted my chest lightly, "But the blood will look so well on my dress don't you agree?" She asked smiling demurely while she adjusts my own crown. Well, she tried before she growled in annoyance, "Why does your hair always look like you just rolled out of bed?" She asked exasperated making me chuckle, "I thought you rather liked how it looked?" I replied grinning roguishly at her.

She just rolled her eyes in response, before giving me a light kiss and walking towards the door, "Well come on then, we have the battle to win." She called over her shoulder.

I could feel my body going numb. In front of me lies the body of my Queen and a ways behind me is the body of the man who killed her already forgotten in favor of gathering her into my arms, and clutching her against my chest. Her blood soaks through my battle robes mixing in with mine; she looks so peaceful. Even with blood on her face, soaking through her own battle robes, she looks like she's merely asleep. I caress her face, whispering sweet nothings in her ear, a part of me hoping that it would wake her up. To see amusement flash across her face and hear her tell me I was being silly again.

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