Dan And Phil

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Hi, my name is Kenzie, and I'm 16 and from Canada. Growing up I never really had friends, as stupid as it sounds. I was a little social butterfly as a little kid, and was nice and generous to everyone, as my parents tell me. And as you can guess, it didn't really help me, because others would take advantage of my kindness and id end up hurt, but I never did anything to stop them, I was a push over. And this caused me to develop trust issues, causing me to be more distant, yet still a push over and kind to everyone, even though, these kids I was growing up with were quite horrible, and I thought "Maybe if I keep being nice the bullying will stop" but it never did. Up to year 7 of school kids still took advantage of my kindness, and it was pushing me to the edge. Over the summer between year 7 and year 8 I discovered both of your channels, and for the first time in years, I had a safe place. Whenever things were going downhill or bad, I'd sit in my closet and watch your videos, it would calm me down and help me feel better. When I went back to school for year 8 a lot of things had changed, I didn't really have friends still, for I was afraid of getting hurt, but one day, about half way through the year, I met someone, he was the kindness most caring person I have ever gotten the pleasure to meet. I considered him a friend, It took him a while, almost a year, but he managed to get me to fully come out of my shell. He was my first friend I've had in the first 15 years of my life. And for the first time ever, I was genuinely happy. But unfortunately it didn't last long. Going into year 9 I had to leave him, for I was now in highschool and he was a year younger and still in elementary.

In highschool, I met other people, and made a few "friends" and thought things were getting better. I was wrong. Within the first month I had been wanting to drop out, for it was horrible. And I developed depression. My therapist told me from what she can tell, I've had it for years and it was just now getting bad and surfacing. Now I had no clue what any of this meant. All I knew, was it was bad, and I realized that after I first hurt myself. I was a good actor and still am, so I was able to hide how I felt easily, and my therapist soon stoped seeing me for she thought I was better. But I was still self harming in more ways than one. I had developed a eating disorder, and it was making things worce. It had been caused by the bullying I've been dealing with my whole life. I had been trying to get better, but it took so long, and to this day, I'm still not better, but I'm better than I was before. And you may be thinking "why is she telling us all this?"

Well, that's because you two have helped me get better, you two have inspired me to get better. Your videos have brought the sun out on my darkest days, and made it brighter on the good ones. You two may not see it, but you have and are helping so many people.

Dan, you've showed me that even when dealing with depression and other mental illnesses, you can still get better, and have a happy ending. I watch your old videos and compare them to the ones now and realize how far you've come, and it makes me so happy. Because you look so much Happier, you're more confident with who you really are, your helping others, and yourself. You're such a good rollmodle for people, and I hope you know that.

And Phil, you are a litteral ray of sunshine. You are so kind and caring person. You always think about others, and try your best to help them without realizing it. And you do help them. From what I see, you've helped millions of people just by doing YouTube, and you've also helped you're best friend, Dan. You've helped him look Happier than he did years ago. And you should know that so many people love and care about you.

You both are such amazing people, and are loved by so many people. I hope you both realize the impact you've made on the world, because it's a huge one. You two have saved so many lives, and are making so many better. You've both helped me become more confident in myself, and have both showed me that there is a happy ending, I just have to look for it, and I'll find it. You've both changed the world in ways you can not imagine. You've both made my life so much better and I'm forever grateful for it, and if it weren't for you two, I most likely wouldn't be here today.

You've both helped me get better and turn my life around without knowing it, you've given me the courage to be myself and finally get out of that closet(yes that was a low key coming out joke). Now, I have a few close friends, I'm still best friends with my first ever friend, and I'm trying my best to help him be confident with who he is now. And those two other close friends are amazing people and I'm doing my best to help them as much as I can. Because you both showed me something, that helping others makes you feel so much better and helps you help yourself

You two are two of the most amazing human beings ever, and it would be a dream come true to meet you both, even though that will most likely will never happen. But thank you both for everything you've done to help me. Life isn't perfect, but I'm now so much happier than I use to be and it's thanks to you two. I've learned I just gotta take a deep breath in, and out, and tell myself: "everything is going to be fine, I have control over my future, and it's all gonna be fine". So genuinely, thank you. And I'll never forget you two, how can someone forget the two men who saved her life?



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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