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" Taylor hurry up!" I hear my brother, Chase yell from the other side of the bathroom door.

"One second!"I yelled back, quickly applying my mascara before looking in the mirror to examine how my outfit looked and walking out.

"Took you long enough" he mumbles, slamming the door too fast for me to even respond.

You see, my brother and I don't really have that well of a relationship. He's always been jealous of me, I suppose. I've always done better academically than him, but that's only because my parents push me to do my best, because I'm the only one who actually cares about my grades, unlike Chase.

You see, my parents already have my future planned out for me. They've decided that I go to law school and become a lawyer, which in fact, isn't exactly how I would like to spend my future, but my parents wouldn't like it if I told them that. I wish they weren't so strict, but I'd do anything to make them happy.

I hear my phone ring and see it's my friend, Anais.

"Hello?" I answer, grabbing my things for school.

"Hey, I just wanted to tell you my car won't start and I won't be able to come get you, I'm sorry" she apologizes

"It's fine" I lie, mentally kicking myself for not having a back up plan.

I decide to walk since I live right by the school, and it wouldn't hurt .I look at the time on my phone to see it was 7:30, so I decided I should leave right about now. I grab my backpack and head out the door.

First and second period sucked, but thank god my lunch was right after second period.When I walk into the cafeteria I spot my brothers group. They're all full of tattoos and piercings, and the girls have crazy colored hair. I don't see how people find that attractive.

I feel two hands cover my eyes and I smile

"Guess who?" A male voice teases

"Hmm.. Santa clause?" I tease back

"Close.. But no" my boyfriend, jake smiles, and uncovers my eyes, giving me a quick peck on my lips.

"Where were you last night? I called you like ten times." I question, taking a bite of my sandwich.

" I'm sorry babe, my head was killing me so i just went to bed early."

" oh..It's fine. Sorry for being nosey." I apologize

After lunch I went to my last class, which was English. It was always layed back the first day of school, meaning plenty of people just don't come.

After school let out I quickly walked home to notice my parents not home yet, but i was used to them never really being home, due to work. They own their own company, causing them to have to leave the state or even country for a few days at the last minute.

I walked in the house and went straight to my room to study, but I heard my brother and another voice talking in his room.

"This parties gonna be sick!",I hear a raspy male voice say.

"Yea man as long as my sister doesn't tell my parents, we're all good"

I should have guessed it. Of course my troubled brother would throw a party the first night of school.

I'm not really the party type of girl, I guess I'm what you would call a "goody goody." I've never drank, smoke, or done drugs. I've only had three boyfriends, and jake was the only one I've kissed. It wasn't even a kiss it was more like a peck, and I know what kind of things go on at parties. I decide not to tell mom and dad  because he would find a way to get me back if I told them anyway.

I'm sitting on my bed going through my phone when I hear a knock at my door

"Come in"  I loudly say looking up from my phone as my brother steps in.

"Hey I'm just letting you know I'm throwing a party tonight, and you better not tell mom and dad." He coldly says before walking out.

After the parties started I'm sitting in my room with nothing to do. My curiosity gets the best of me and I decide to go check out the party. It can't be that bad..

When I walk downstairs It reeks of alcohol and weed, not that I've ever used those two things before, but my brothers heavily Into it.

I walk around for a bit, and honestly it was incredibly scary to me. They had people making out, passing bongs around, and almost to the point of having sex right there on the couch. I cringed and decided to make my way back upstairs.

In the process of rushing back to my room I bump into someone

"I'm so sorry" I instinctively say, turning to look at the boy I just ran into, but he wasn't just any boy,in fact, he was the most breathtaking boy I've ever seen.

He was very tall, and his muscular arms were covered in tattoos, complimenting them perfectly. He had a strong prominent jawline and the most gorgeous emerald green eyes. He also had a few piercings and a mop of curly brown hair that famed his face nicely.

Hes deeply chuckles before looking me up and down, biting his lip, causing me to blush.

"I uh..I have to go." I stutter before turning back around, but before I could walk away I feel myself being slammed against the wall beside me.

I look up at the boy smirking before he slowly brings his lips down to my ear, close enough where I could feel his hot breath tricking down my neck sending a shiver down my spine.

"You can't leave yet, babe. We were just starting to have fun" he says seductively in my ear before putting one of his hands on my inner thigh, causing me to gasp in air.

"I'm sorry but I really must be going.." I nervously say, trying to push him off of me, but he didn't budge. He deeply chuckled, and I admit it was incredibly seducing.

"At least tell me your name, love." He says while kissing my jawline going down my neck.

"T-Taylor." I say in a slight moan

He slowly moves his lips back to my ear and whispers huskily, "Goodnight, Taylor."

He then let me go and walked back down to the party, leaving me standing there puzzled.

What the hell just happened.

DISCLAIMER: This is not about Taylor swift. I personally do not ship Haylor. This is a different one and their ship name can be Tarry.

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