The $25 Question

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The streets were hot in July 2010. New York, New York. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhh breathe it in" Ben said as he took a super gulp of that fresh ratatouille air.

Ben hopped into his mustard-yellow, over glorified converted minivan and sat on his inflated butt pad. Ben was prone to butt bruising while cruising the pot hole-filled streets of the Big Apple .

He secured his seatbelt with a ferociousness only known to the new york cabbie.

Skidding out from the unpaid-for street parking spot Ben had situated himself in, he turned onto West 49th. Ben had always loved West 49th, he felt love in the air. He combed the streets of happy couples walking around, holding hands. Because it was also Valentines day.

"Probably asking each other about which US president had owned both an iguana and a dog in the white house or what human organ has the same surface area of a tennis court" Ben sighed, "It's the lungs". Ben Bailey longed for someone to share in his trivia knowledge.

All of the sudden, out of NOWHERE, a man stepped in front of his minivan.

"AHHhhhh!" Ben exclaimed as the hot summer sun shone down on the bald head of the man in the road, casting a brilliant shine that bore into the eyeholes of Mr. Bailey causing him to lose sight of the road.

Ben skidded to the side, gently bumping the man in the hip.

"Bro!" The road man yelled as ben stopped the car. 

"let me give you a free ride in my cab i"m so sorry!!!" BEn Bailey quickly stammered nervously as he grabbed the man by his red plaid coated sleeve. He felt warm in his gray american apparel v neck.

"That sounds about right. Okay mister ill take you up on your offer. I'm pretty lonely as my kids live successful lives in LA and my wife is cheating on me with the Dolan twins' aunt!"

"Damn! thats unbelievable somebody would treat a man like you like that. YOu deserve better." Ben could not believe this beautiful beautiful man could be disrespected like this. He was also disappointed because he was married!!

Ben finally listened to the loud honking of all the fucking street cars and helped the burly lumberjack into his palace. He accidentally bumped the colored lights button on the side of the car

"YOO is this the cash cab, I'm in love with that show!" Ben blushed. How could it be that someone this cool and in tune with his age be into his little show. "Yeah Discovery Channel stay on the hits"

Ben resisted the urge to grab him by his faux fur lapel and whisper a trivia question into his breath. Instead he turned to him,

"There are 4 cabs in New York City, but there's only one that pays you. Climb into the Cash Cab, and I'll quiz you all the way to your destination. As the meter clicks, the questions get harder, and the stakes get higher. If you get stumped, you can Shout-Out for help on the phone, or off the street. But be careful my friend, because in this rig, it's three strikes and you're out! So what do you say? You in?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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