Hey there, DigiFans! It’s yours truly, Charioteer Mode, bringing you yet another fanfic. With the dub of the second story arc of Digimon Fusion round the corner, the DigiMania has far from faded from the world. We who have watched the dubs and the subs of all the seasons, have witnessed the defeat of Devimon and the Dark Masters, the deaths of Wizarmon, BlackWarGreymon, Arukenimon, Mummymon, Oikawa, Merukimon, Leomon, the downfall of Bagramon and Quartzmon, the rebirth of the Digital World, and what not. We have come full circle, and now we deserve a new series. This fanfic provides the same buzz as the original series, and introduces a brand new Digivice. After Digimon Hunters, this is the second time you get to see Masaru again, and Takeru (or T.K., for those accustomed to the American dub) will make a brief cameo too. You will get to see the son of a couple I ship, namely Nene and Kiriha, as one of the Neo-Tamers, but other than that I’m not giving away any spoilers. Once again, I’m introducing a different type of Digivice, but as I said, no spoilers. You’ll have to read this story to find out. So go on, Digital Dive into a new adventure!!