Chapter 1 - It's Bad Being The School Loser

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I awoke to the sound of Sing by Ed Sheeran playing from my iPhone. I groaned and rolled over to pick it up off the floor beside my bed. It read timer: wake up. I glanced at the time. 6:50am. I had set my timer early today, so that I wouldn't be late to school on the first day back. I swiped to the right and snuggled back up into my warm blanket.


40 minutes later I opened my eyes again. Suddenly, I realised that I had fallen asleep again. I checked the time and it said 7:30am. Oh well. That was the usual time I woke up anyway. I turned my phone off so that I wouldn't get distracted while getting ready for school. Otherwise I probably would have spent 2 hours on Instagram and YouTube. I slowly got out of bed and brushed my hair. It was fuzzy because I had washed it the day before, and my brush was making it go static.

Why is my hair so annoying?!?


At 10 past 8 I was running to the bus stop, which was luckily only 100m down the road from my house. When I got there I glanced at my wrist, but realised I wasn't wearing my watch. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and saw that there was still a good 2 minutes before the bus came. I sat down on the bench and tied my shoelace which had come undone. Presumably in the hectic run to the bus stop. I heard heavy footsteps and glanced up. I saw an unfamiliar face looking at me.

"Can I sit here?" he asked. I nodded and shuffled over so there was enough room, without it being awkward. He had slick, spiky black hair and dark, piercing blue eyes. He looked like the stereotypical "cool kid". I realised that he had a St. George High School backpack on. This meant we went to the same school. He gave me a weird look, and I realised that I had been staring at him. I quickly looked away and saw the long bus coming from down the road. Thankfully it could save me. We both stood up and walked over to the curb. The bus stopped way ahead of us, as always, and I jogged over to it. I quickly hopped on and scanned the bus for a seat. The bad thing about having the last stop before school, was that there was only ever a few spots left, and you had to pick between sitting next to the guy that just came back from juvenile detention, or the punk rocker with millions of piercings, or one of the cool kids who had to sit by themselves because they had an uneven number in their group. It's also bad being the school loser, because wherever you sit, the people around you whisper and stare. Luckily today, there was also a spare double seater in the second last row. I walked over and plopped myself down, and put my backpack onto the seat next to me. I looked out the window and saw that the guy was still walking to the bus. He's gonna make the bus driver annoyed. But surprisingly, as he stepped on, the bus driver just nodded to him and said,

"Try to come a little faster next time. I don't want to lose my job." The guy nodded, smirking and turned to all the students. Everyone started whispering amongst one another. I wish I could join it, but being the school loser, well, just no. He lifted an eyebrow in frustration and the whispering died down. I wonder who he's going to sit next to. I looked around at today's options. There was only one seat left, next to a really fat kid named Patrick. But he walked straight past him. But where else is he going to sit? I gulped as I realised there was a free seat next to me. Everyone was now staring at me as he stood next to me. I rushed to grab my bag but he had already picked it up. He shoved it into my lap and I muttered a thanks to him. Not that he could hear me or anything. The ride until school consisted of me staring out the window, resisting the urge to find out more about this guy. When we reached school I waited until everyone was off the bus until I got off. I didn't want to be tripped this year.


I didn't see this guy the whole day, and he wasn't on the school bus on the way home. I guess I'll just have to find out about him later. There was just something about him that made me want to know him more and more! And I didn't even know his name...


Thanks for reading the first chapter of my new book!

Tell me what you think of it?

So this is quite a different book from my other one.

I know how it sounds like there will be a clichè ending.

But trust me, there won't be one.

Haha I already know what happens!

I'm so mean to you guys!

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