Chapter 1

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So, I’ve been reading fanfics on here and thought I would decide and try to start one. (: I’m sorry if it’s bad, I’m not that good with British slang, and I’m not the best at wording but I will definitely try! If I get one comment or vote, I will write a next chapter! :D

“Wake up!” I heard an aggressive tone of voice coming from my aunt Susie. She was a horrible, despicable aunt. I groaned in frustration, wanting only 5 more minutes of sleep. “Fine!” I called out, sighing, and sitting up. I looked around, my head dizzy from the sudden awake. I looked out the window and saw the bland, grey sky, but I knew it was just morning. “Aunt Susie, can’t I sleep for a little bit longer?” I asked, practically begging. She ignored me, and I got out of bed, laying my duvet on the bed nicely. Always the same routine everyday with my aunt, and nothing would change it.

Silly me, I’m Shannon Taylor. I’m 5’7, petite, although I eat a lot, like a hobby. I only have a small circle of friends, one homosexual [A/N: Not to offend! I didn’t want to say gay!] boy friend, Josh, and my other best friend, Chloe. I have long, wavy, dark brown hair. My eyes are a calm hazel, not one of those amazing, sparkling eyes that a lot of people have. I’m 18 years old in two weeks, and I was not even the slightest bit excited. My aunt is a mean one, a witch some say! My parents died when I was only 5 in a car crash on their way home from to work to see me. I don’t really enjoy talking about the horrific memories, but sometimes, I can’t help it. I am an only child, which I was lucky for; there was no one to get me in trouble, but luckily, not another kid to be tortured by living in this small flat I was currently living in!

As I walked over to my small closet, I glanced my eyes over to my work outfit, consisting of black pants and a black shirt. I sighed, I hated going to work, it was really stupid, but my aunt made me pay for my clothes so I had no choice. I walked over to the restroom, grabbing my towel and turning the shower on. I undressed and quickly got in, the hot water pattering against my skin. I loved showering, it really did give me my time to think and sort out things mentally. After about a 15 minute or so shower I stepped out and dried myself. I got dressed, letting my hair towel dry. I put on eyeliner, lip gloss, and mascara. I noticed that I had a nice, fair complexion and that even though I refuse to believe completely, I did look…decent without make up on.

“Bye Aunt Susie!” I called out, grabbing my keys and bag, walking out the door to my car. I got in, started up the engine and blasted the music. It was “Glad You Came” by The Wanted that had come on. I started singing along to the words, driving to work. I dreaded going to work, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do. I looked for an empty parking space and pulled in, turning off my car. I worked at a restaurant called Nando’s where the people were really nice and welcoming. I got out of the car and walked in, being welcomed by my best friend Chloe. She hugged me and whispered in my ear, “Boss said to be on our best today, he thinks someone famous is coming!” she pulled away and giggled. I laughed along softly, still not completely awake yet. Our boss always thought that a famous person would drop by and that we would gain more popularity, so far, it hasn’t happened yet.

I smiled at Chloe, spotting a table in the corner was looking at their menus. “And the day begins,” I sighed and walked over to them, after saying bye to Chloe. “Welcome to Nando’s, could I start you off with some drinks?” I asked, and they all conversed for a few moments then decided on their drinks. I walked off, pouring their drinks and walking back. “Here you are, are you all ready to order?” I asked looking at the five boys in front of me. They all had hats and sunglasses on, their faces fixated at the menu. I thought it was weird for them to be so discreet but I shook it off. As I took off with their orders, Chloe ran up to me and squealed, “Shan! Don’t you know who that is?!” she pointed over to the five mysterious blokes in the corner. I shook my head, trying to see if I recognized them. “That’s One Direction!” she whispered loudly in my ear. I laughed, “And who is One Direction? The boys that you drool over?” She quickly nodded and I was amazed, the boss was right; we had famous people in the restaurant! As I was walking back over there to get an autograph for Chloe, I tripped and fell into someone’s skinny but muscular arms. I looked up to see a blonde haired boy looking down at me.

My cheeks turned pink, it was nice to be in his arms. He stood me up and looked at me, “Are you all right?” he asked. I couldn’t see his eyes, but his smile as perfect. He had crooked teeth, but the cutest smile ever! I slowly nodded, after realizing that I had just touched a famous person. It’s weird how I knew about One Direction, but me not really listening to their music, I always forgot about who they were. My cheeks were still pink but I hadn’t cared. “Sorry about that, I’m a bit clumsy,” I apologized, flattening out my shirt. “No problem,” he flashed me a cute smile. My heart felt like it dropped, he was adorable! I had just met him, sort of, and I could tell he seemed amazing already.

I looked at the other four boys, two of them had a smirk plastered on their face and the other two weren’t really into what was happening. A curly haired boy spoke up, “Geez Niall, are you just going to stare at her all day?” he joked around, causing me to blush more. I looked away, not wanting them to see my embarrassment. He punched the curly-haired guy’s arm and looked back over to me. “Sure you’re okay?” he asked again, I nodded. “I’m Niall, Niall Horan,” he extended out his hand and I shook it, “Shannon Taylor,” I replied, smiling slightly. I knew that this by far was going to be an amazing day as he asked me to sit down, but I motioned for Chloe to come over also, us both sitting down across the time from them. 

So that's the first chapter! Please vote or comment and I will post the next chapter! Also, please spread this story around! I really hope to get views! ♥ First person to comment will get mentioned in my next chapter! :D

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