Mothers Song

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Firethorn stretched his arms to the sky and felt them finally fracture through the earth. He could feel the cold above the ground welcoming him to the Mothers world. The moon was waiting for him.

Scilla pushed upwards against the ground, impatient, ready to reach the light. The time was too soon but she coveted the sun and its light. Yearning for her time to shine.

Firethorn could feel her trying to change the air, to destroy him before he could be born. He reached across the network to the field of the Bellis and delivered the awakening sign. They began to rumble across the network spreading outward and upward. They were his only protection against her army of the Spirea. The thirsty roots came un-ending, they could take the ice water, they would try to suck their life force but the Bellium would trigger the inflorescence, taking only what they needed to grow and subdue them, push them back along the groundframe. They raged and fought, tangled in life and death, one must win against the tide of time. It was the way of the Mother, that all things should be at war, so that there could be a peace and a time to take their rightful place within the world. It was the dance of the earth and the song of the of the cosmos held beneath the Mothers gaze. The groundframe linked them together silently in the turmoil of growth.

Firethorn shaped his path, snaking downwards with his flora to where she would grow. He covered her ground in thick branches and dropped his leaves to keep her warm. He kept the ugly beasts away with his bright red flame, they would not disturb her rage to exist and to be free. Maybe that's why she always tried to bloom so early. He barricaded her future from the rains and the ice, she would never know cold. He stayed with her and she was sheltered from every storm that would try to take them both. Moonlight bathed him and gave him the strength to shine redder than the sun that would come to finish him.

Scilla wrenched and churned. She yearned to grow with all her might, she could feel the warmth above her and the sun calling her name. The Spirea sent her water and she drank her thirst, purple and blue just waiting to join the Mothers world. She pushed hard, fighting, she no longer wanted to be held under this skin of dirt without air. She missed the warm wind that would carry her children to the stars. Her friends were waiting for her in a sea of colour.

The battle raged, oppressed, repeated every year. The darkness must come before the light. Scilla naïve to the fact that Firethorn fought her with all his might and his greatest army so that she would thrive. Winter would devour her, he would keep her safe until her time to shine. This year Winter had won.

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