Behold the legend of the empress

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Long ago lived a empress with the power to create and destroy they called her the divina or the divine.years later she created what now is know as the ten disciples of nature saints with the power to wield the elements and protect their empress.The ten disciples of nature were always by the empress side leading her armies and claiming glory for their empress they loved her very much in matter fact the irony of she being their creator but not allowed to call her mother.Years later in her forest of fairies she meet a little boy with his toddler brother his name was zeref he fell in love with the empress and would come every day to visit her in the forest of the fairies as well as the disciples of nature all played together until when zeref was eighteen the empress was to go into slumber and sleep in the forest of the fairies.The ten disciples of nature argued about the sudden slumber but she always say no she said in a couple of hundreds years I will awaken now go on and live your lives and fufill your duties the empress said.finally when the empress fell into slumber the ten disciples of nature when into their realms to sleep as well they could not bare  not being awake with their empress gone and zeref sent out on his own mission and nobody ever saw them again until they meet their empress the world will go back into place.

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