the present

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The story starts right after Zane moves in with kawaii Chan 

(read other fanfic to understand) 

Garroth and Laurence are hanging out trying to figure out what to do with Zane's old room 

"Well we could move you into that room since your kinda in the basement" Garroth suggested
"yeah. But it's pretty sound proof and I play alot on the computer, what about a storage room?" Laurence tried to imagine

"how much stuff do you think we have, Zane was the one with hundreds of figurines we barely have anything"

"Maybe we could get a new room mate or just have a guest room"

"Guest rooms a good --"

 *knock knock*

"Who's at our house at 6:00am?"

"Why are we up at 6:00am?"

Laurence says sarcastically

This is the new story I decided that it's gonna be in the same timeline as my Zane Chan book and soon I will write a one-shot book for all ships in aphmau's universes except ones I hate no smut tho I'm not writing that

This won't  take long for me to update since its the holidays rn so more chapters ~crystal out 😘

Also instagram name: crystalsketch03

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