Cloth Cover

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Tommy was an only child, he didn't have many friends. In the 4th grade he was already being bullied because of his sexuallity and how he looked.

"Tommy, dinner's ready," his mother called. He loved his mother, his dad died of cancer when he was only 5. He ran down the stairs, he could smell the sweet aroma of the chicken and baked beans. "What do you want to drink sweetheart?" she looked at him with a sweet but questionable face. He thought that he could go for some chocolate milk, but they didn't buy it anymore since his mom got cut. Now she's been looking for a new job but there's not a lot of people hiring.

"Just water," he said with a smile, knowing his mother too well.

"Becca's coming to babysit tonight."

"Again?" Tommy groaned, if he could choose, Becca would never babysit. She always treats him like he's 3.

"Yes, I have a meeting with your school. I might be your teacher next year!" Tommy spit out his water all over the table.

"What?! You can't, you're like, a .. mom!" He looked at her with scared and bewildered eyes.

"I can still be hip, cool, what do the kids your age say?" he shook his head and screamed back.

"Mom, you're not going to work at my school!"

"How does, Mrs. Smith sound?" He screamed into the table and looked up despretely.


"Oh stop, we need the money right now. Grandpa isn't going to keep sending us money." With that, Tommy ran to the basement. He would go down there whenever he needed to be alone. Sometimes he would go through old boxes, sometimes he'd just fall asleep. He walked over and sat on the chair and turned on the fan. Letting the wind blow his hair back, he sat and thought to himself, 'What if she embarreses me next year? Or maybe she's going to get even harder on me, and let all the other kids work ahead! What if'- the doorbell rang, stopping his thoughts. Becca was here. He ran towards the steps but slipped on something and fell. His mother heard the thump and called down to him asking if he was okay.

"Yes mom!" he called back, he wanted to know just what he slipped on.

He looked down and to his amazement it was a cloth, not just a cloth, but it had hotwheels cars on it. He collected hotwheel cars, 'This', he thought, 'Will be perfect!'. He grabbed it and raced upstairs.

Becca was waiting there with a smile on her face. Tommy, with his nose wrinkled and face turned away, plainly said, "Why do i have to be watched by her?" Becca's expression changed from a smile to a shocked open mouth.

"Tommy! You know that Becca is a great girl to have here!" His mother's unhappy tone made Tommy stop talking. He turned and stomped back to his room. He could hear his mom apologizing behind him, so he rolled his eyes.

Tommy slammed the door behind him, just to make sure his mom knew he was not happy at all with what was happening. He looked at the cloth, to his amazement it turned into a car! Inside the car was a mini man, not just anyone, but his father. Tommy was in shock but happy too, tears came to his eyes. From that day forward, he was told he could go to the car and talk to his dad whenever he wanted to. On one condition, he could tell no one of it.

Later in life, when Tommy was 17, he made some bad decisions and ended up with this amazing girl and they had a child. They named him Cody, and he had Tommy's mother's eyes. That's when he went to his mom one day and told his mother about the cloth, the car, and his dad. Soon after he was diagnosed with cancer. His Son being 3 years old, Tommy passed away a month later. He joined his father in heaven, but in his hand where his child found him, was the cloth he found that night. 

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