Part 11 - Circles of the heart

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Ellie's point of view ...

The seasons began to change. Summer turned to fall,the green leaves changing into colors of brown,orange and red. They litter the streets everyday.

The summer rains vanished and turned into light snowfall. Time just seemed to sweep by and if you couldn't keep up,you'd be left behind.

The past few weeks have been hectic with Emil showing up and turning my life upside down again. I occasionally met my mother,Meredith,for coffee on Friday's when I'm off duty.

I never mentioned Emil to her. The only person who knew about Emil and what he really is,is Rory. And he kept it a secret. I never mentioned Rory to Emil either. Don't ask me why.

August 22 Thursday 18:00

I return home from work,clutching the handbag under my shoulder,I take out my keys to unlock the door of my apartment.

I opened the door which directly leads to my living room and to my surprise I find Emil sitting on my couch. I had to stop myself from screaming and clutched my chest.

"Emil! Are you insane!?" I scolded.

"I just wanted to surprise you," he smiles friendly, standing up.

Just as I am about to answer,Rory enters my apartment carrying a heavy box. His glasses are tilted to the side and he is breathless. I could see his eyes meet with Emil's eyes.

The room suddenly fills with an awkward silence. I smile and introduce them to each other,tasting the spit drying in my mouth.

"Emil,this is Rory," I gesture to him.

"Rory,this is Emil," I gesture back to him.

Emil's point of view ...

I quickly put on a fake smile,walking up to him with my hand stretched out. He looks kind of goofy wearing glasses and a suit. And he has this stupid grin on his face. But what is he doing here?

"Nice to meet you," he eye smiled and put the box down,shaking my hand.

He is slightly taller than I am and well built. What is he a damn body builder? Wait it makes no sense. A nerdy body builder?

My eyes wandered to Ellie who stands a distance away,smiling. Rory,turned to face her and to be frank,I don't like the way he looks at her. Ugh!

I wonder how often he comes to hang around her? I could feel my fist form next to my side and my teeth clenching, hard.

"Nice to meet you too," I tried to act friendly.

But I couldn't tell Ellie how I really feel,but I won't let him have her either.

Rory's point of view ...

So this is the infamous, Emil. I pictured him different. He is slightly shorter than me and a bit thinner built. And he has pitch black hair.

Huh? Where is his wings? Must be hiding them or something. Well,he doesn't know that I know what he really is. I narrow my eyes.

He broke her heart and now he thinks that all is forgiven. I know one shouldn't judge a book by it's cover,but I seriously dislike him. And I don't like the way he looks at her.

"Since we are all here,would you guys like some coffee," Ellie asks kind of nervous.

"Yes,thank you. I'll help," I smile,offering my help.

"That would be nice," Emil said behind me.

I could feel his scornful gaze fall on me. But it doesn't matter. I will be the one to win her heart,and to keep him away from her.

Ellie,I promise I won't let him or anyone hurt you again.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I hurriedly asked Ellie to excuse me and then went outside.

Ellie's point of view ...

Emil walk up to me,his hands in his pockets. Standing next to me,he smiles and helps me make the coffee.

"Mind if I ask something?" He said suddenly.

"Sure," I add sugar to my coffee.

"Why is he here?"

"Because I was walking home from work carrying that box. He saw me and offered to help," I explain.

"Oh,I see. Does he hang out often with you?" Emil asks not looking at me.

"We do."


"Yes,really. Why? Are you jealous?" I ask feeling a little annoyed.

"No,I'm just curious," he tries to defend himself.

"I think you are jealous. Well,you don't have a say about who I hang out with. He is all I had when you left and I was falling apart," I said directly to his face.

Just as Emil opened his mouth to say something,Rory came rushing in through the door.

"I'm so sorry,but I have to go Ellie," he smiles worried.

"Something wrong?" I ask turning to him.

"There's an emergency at the office," he explains shortly.

"Good luck," I smile patting his arm.

"Thank you for the coffee and sorry again," he grabs his coat,keys and rushes out.

I let out a disappointed sigh. Emil seemed to be relieved that Rory had left. I handed him his coffee and went to sit down.

"How've you been,Ellie?" He asks sitting next to me.

"Busy," I reply sipping on my coffee,"and you?"

"Same as you. My work and studying keep me busy you know," he let's out a nervous chuckle.

A few hours later ...

Emil's point of view.

I spent hours talking to Ellie until she was tired. I hadn't seen her much the last few weeks and I missed her a lot. But she didn't seem too bothered with me.

"Thank you for the coffee," I smile polite.

"Pleasure," she smiles back.

I stepped onto the windowsill and jump out,opening my wings I take flight and disappear.

Over the next few weeks,Rory and I constantly bump into each other at Ellie's apartment. A tension and jealousy started to grow between us. We had this secret war behind her back to see who could win her heart first.

But neither of us could've foresaw what our actions would cause.

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