Decades Old Conspiracy Uncovered?
Local woman claims that she and her family were part of a secret government experiment decades ago. In a recent interview, Charlotte Robertson, claims that she and her family were experimented on, she was the only one who made it out alive. Below I have attached the interview.
Please note, this interview has been edited to fit a short story format. All of this is true in the mind of local resident, Charlotte Beth Robertson.
I remember it like it was yesterday. The year was 3141, the day 13, June, Friday.
We were driving our hovercar to our new home, the Island. We called it that because it does not deserve a name, not after what happened.
There it was, finally, our very own island. It looked beautiful in the distance, behind the rolling waves of fog, but I had a question, why had it been sold to us for only $5?
When we landed the hovercar on the bone white beach, the scenery looked nothing like it had been on the holo-screen. Instead of a tropical paradise, it was littered with fire singed bones, and explosion holes.
We all decided to get out and investigate. There was a sign: Welcome to Hawaii! Except it had been crossed out and now read: Welcome to Intimidate Doom! It had once read more, but the sign was so old and worn it was all we could read.
My sister pulled us over to a building, the only one standing, it looked like an old lab, kind of like the ones in old TV shows that people liked to watch so much. What had been going on here?
The Island was hard to think of as a home, and we didn't have anything else to go back to.
That was when the hologram appeared.
"Hello, I'm J.B Fostar." The hologram man said, "You are probably wondering what you are doing here, I have that answer. You have been chosen for a study on the human response to fear. You will be living here for three weeks, or until we can study you enough. Thanks for voulenteering for this wonderful opportunity! By the way, your hovercar's power source has been permanently disconnected.
The hologram disappeared.
"What was that about?" My sister asked.
"I don't know." The rest of us said in unison.
"There is something very weird going on here," Dad said. "Stay in the sight line of everyone else, and always within shouting distance. We will figure out what's going on, and we will get back to mainland.
The sun was starting to set. The temperature was dropping drastically. We still had no shelter or food. Were we going to die out here?
"Hey, I think I found the house," Dad yelled from over the hill, "if you can call it that."
We walked over, exited to have shelter for the night. That's when we realized something was wrong. Dad wasn't there. We heard a scream in the distance.
"Dad! Dad where are you?" I screamed. No reply. I repeated myself louder, this time with my Mother and sister. Still no reply.
We yelled for him all night. That was when we found him. Well, what was left of him. It was littered with bites, rats I thought. The skin in his face was stripped off, and he was missing a leg. There was something strange going on here, I had to find out what.
I jolted awake. The sun was starting to rise. I could have sworn I heard a young girl screaming.
The Island
ParanormalA girl and her family is stuck on an island. What happens next? A creepy demon girl.